Chapter 5

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-(Y/N) POV-

Once we arrived at school, we sat down in our seats, looking everywhere but each other. The class soon started and the day went by normally. At lunch time, I decided to go up to the roof and eat because I wasn't in the mood to sit with everyone including Izuku...

I climbed the steps to the roof quietly with my bento box in my hand, and opened the heavy door to be left exposed to the cool breeze which caressed my hair. I looked around and my eyes landed on red and white hair. 'the guy who said my quirk was cool in the quirk test on the first day...' I thought.

'god what did they say his name was??? Todo...something'

I made my way over to him and sat cross legged next to him. His head turned to face me and his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sorry, if you're waiting for someone I can just leave" I said quickly trying to think why he would want to spend lunch on the rooftop...then again I'm one to talk...

"no, no I'm just thinking that's all. Please eat." He said tilting his head to my bento motioning for me to start.

"what about you? Don't you have any food?" I stole a quick glance at him as I undid my box.

"I'm not hungry" he said in a monotone voice moving his head away and looking out at the view. I couldn't help but admire his features.

"so what are you thinking about?" I questioned "you don't have to say... I'm sorry I asked" I said looking away realising how demanding I must have sounded. A small smile appeared on his face

"it's okay. It's not something I really talk about with anyone..." he trailed off, I just nodded my head in understanding and started eating my food.

"have you heard of quirk marriages?" he asked after a couple minutes of silence

"yes, well... I think so" I replied looking up at him with my mouth stuffed with rice, and quickly swallowed 'god I have such bad manners'

he let out a chuckle and looked me in sort of an endearing way.

"my father is adamant about becoming the number one hero being second best and all, so he looked for someone with a strong quirk like his and he found my mother. He forced her to marry him and then they had as many children as they could until they produced someone with my fathers' quirk and my mothers. That would be me. My father forced my mother to do so many cruel things... she had no say in what happened. Eventually she grew to resent my dad and subsequently hate my left side which is my fathers' quirk and..." he paused "she did this to me" he turned fully to face me and stroked back the left side of his hair revealing his burn mark fully. "so he put her in hospital" silence filled the air before he continued.

"my father...has found a girl that he thinks has a strong quirk. My age. He wants us to get married one day. She's my girlfriend." He stopped and looked down.

"do you love her?" I asked carefully in a low voice.

He looked deep in thought before standing up and walking towards the door. Once he reached it he said "I'm sorry, I shouldn't've burdened you with my story" looking down, and left.

I had stopped eating, to be honest I lost my appetite after hearing his story. 'Todoroki. Endeavour's son. That's who he is. Poor Todoroki...'


ohayou minna! okay so i know its not long but i thought i should be consistent with updates (ꈍᴗꈍ) so here's a little plot TwIsT 4 ya. i did my tests... they were meh but they're done!! (◔◡◔) its not like i have a bio and english test next week...heh...welp.

I'm gonna update rlly soon like in a couple days cuz i have some juicy stuff lined up for u guys.

- Eliza

Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now