Chapter 10

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The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face...and uraraka looking at me with a sly smirk on her face. I sat up, facing her "what?" I asked.

"Nothing" she replied, still smiling and raising her eyebrows as if to say 'ohoho it's something' I furrowed my brow and walked over to the bathroom we shared to look in the mirror. Bruises.



Everywhere on my neck.

'Shit. Damn it todoroki! What will everyone think?! Wait wait wait ... WHAT WILL MY DAD THINK?!'

I leaned in closer to the mirror, inspecting the abused skin and sighed. 'Does this mean that we're together? Todoroki and I? He still has a fucking girlfriend after all... omigod what if endeavour finds out about shouto's little rendezvous with me and goes crazy and kills me? What if I'm just a fling? How do I really feel about all this? I mean, I really like todoroki and I do get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach when I see him...' I trailed off into thought but was brought back by yaoyorozu saying we should all be dressed, fed and down ready for school in half an hour. Great. I'm gonna have to see him. I let out another defeated sigh and dragged my feet to my wardrobe, clawing out my uniform. The girls were already dressed and left me to get ready claiming they were going to go get something to eat downstairs in the kitchen. Considering I wasn't hungry from the coco pops I ate 4 hours ago, and the nerves of seeing dad and Todoroki, I decided to skip. Plus, I didn't want to be stared at with all these hickeys on my neck. I'll just sneak into class and keep my head down with my hair covering my neck. For the whole day....

-Uraraka POV-

I was skipping down the stairs beside momo. 'Should I have coco pops? Or frosties?' I pondered as we entered the kitchen. Pretty much everyone was already here, eating their food. I sat down next to todoroki who wasn't eating. Guess he isn't hungry. Once momo and I both sat down, I broke the silence. "so which one of you boys did it?"

I said looking at all the confused faces before me. Kaminari spoke up.

"do what?"

"You know... give (Y/N) the love bites" I said mischievously.

Everyone stared at me wide eyed before breaking out into chatter.

Then it dawned on me. 'Wait what if (y/n) wanted to keep this quiet? Ugh I'm so stupid sometimes! Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut??' I began to retaliate, worry clouding over my eyes.

"Hehehe just kidding guys" I laughed nervously as everyone gave me wary looks.

"I-I'm gonna head to class" I stuttered as I jumped off my seat and power walked outside subtly before letting out a heavy sigh and looked down at my grumbling stomach 'noooo I forgot my Frosties!'

-Todoroki POV-

I woke up, slightly dazed, and then I remembered. I was finally able to express my feelings towards (Y/N). I sat up from my bed. Kaminari and mineta were already downstairs I guess. They weren't here. I stood up, a smile gracing my face, and walked over to get my uniform. I paused. 'I never actually told her explicitly that I think I love her. What if she thinks I'm just some useless guy who trying to take advantage of her just as a fling?!' I hurriedly got dressed and buttoned up my shirt to rush downstairs 'I have to tell her how I feel'

I scanned the kitchen. Everyone but Yaoyorozu, uraraka and (Y/N) were there. 'I guess that's who she's sharing a room with then' I thought to myself before I sat on the same seat I sat on yesterday. Or... today. I smiled, thinking about the event last night. Everything about her: her glistening eyes, curiosity, lively personality is so opposite to what i'm used to at home. She's perfect.

Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now