Chapter 30

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-(Y/N) POV-

It was Friday, which meant that tomorrow we would all be going to the mall. I was walking to the library to get a book which I needed for English since we were starting a new literature book.

I walked through the echoing corridors with the sound of my footsteps ringing through the hallway, slowly increasing my pace as I saw the door to the library at the end of one of the corridors.

Reaching out to open the daunting door in front of me, I leaned to the side to look through the growing crack as I pushed it open. There were big windows which reflected a kaleidoscope of light onto the wafting dust which floated around the room, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere around the untouched books. I walked in, cautiously, disturbing the eerie silence.


'seems like I'm talking to myself...'

I began to weave my way through the endless towers and rows of shelves, scanning the books as I went, keeping my eyes peeled for 'The Great Gatsby'. Suddenly, I heard a loud thud behind me, and I let out a small squeak as I quickly spun around.

'it's just the door closing you dummy' I shook my head and let out the breath I held and continued.

'the books are probably in alphabetical order...right?' I asked myself as the search took longer.

I walked over to the F section for Fitzgerald and looked the shelf up and down. My gaze stopped at the sight of the book at the top of the shelf. I stared at the book blankly before sighing and going up on my tip toes to try and grab the book somehow. When I came to the conclusion that there was no way I could reach the book, I turned to drag a chair towards the edge of the shelf. Before I could step up and onto the chair, the heavy door of the library opened. I turned and saw Bakugou with his arms full of books. His hands held towers so high, he couldn't see my face, but I knew it was him since his signature hedgehog hair gave it away. He placed the books down and noticed me at the other end of the room.

"Aizawa sensei asked me to put the class's copies of our previous books away" he said tilting his head to the books he had placed on a nearby table. I nodded my head and his eyes flickered over to the chair that was strategically placed under the F section, and a smirk grew on his face.

"need some help, princess?"

"would you?" I asked as he walked over to me. I expected him to reach up and grab a copy, but he knelt down and placed me on his shoulders and stood back up, whilst I grabbed onto his head so I wouldn't fall of.

"K-Katsuki!" I yelped as he held onto my thighs on his shoulders.

"can you reach now?"

"I-Uh yes... thank you" I said as I pulled out the book "do you need a copy too?"

"Nah I already got one handed to me"

"right..." I answered awkwardly as I stared down at his grip just underneath my skirt which had ridden upwards.

He put me down and I turned to face him, the book clutched in my arms.

"see you in class (Y/N)" he said, walking out of the library.

"By the way, cute panties" he finished before leaving.

-Bakugou POV-

I walked through the corridors, barely seeing where I was going since Aizawa sensei had given me so many fucking books to put back in the library. When I finally made it to the library, I shoved the door open and walked to the closest table and set down all the books whilst letting out a sigh. I looked up and saw (Y/N). I immediately felt more relaxed as I saw her cute little face staring at me from across my room, and my frown softened.

"Aizawa sensei asked me to put the class's copies of our previous books away" I stated, nodding my head towards the books before returning my gaze over to (Y/N). She was trying to reach a book on the top shelf, since there was a chair in front of her, which I'm assuming she was going to climb and try and reach for it. I chuckled to myself and she gave me a quizzical look.

"need some help, princess?"

"would you?" she asked quietly as I made my way over to her. I eyed her up and looked up at the book. Yup. The only way to reach that would be if she was on my shoulders. There was just no other way I reasoned to myself. I quickly ducked before she realised what was happening and placed my hands on her legs before standing up. My grip tightened as I felt her silky smooth skin underneath my hands. Her hands found their way into my hair as she squealed:


"can you reach now?" I asked, grinning at my smooth solution

"I-Uh yes... thank you" she said "do you need a copy too?"

"Nah I already got one handed to me"

"right..." she answered slowly.

I carefully put her back down, but managed a quick glimpse of her underwear, but masked my oncoming blush by frowning.

"see you in class (Y/N)" I said, walking out of the library. A smirk found its way onto my lips as I thought of a way to tease her.

"By the way, cute panties" I finished, tilting my head to the back, so that she could see my smirk but not the rest of my face. If she saw, she would know how intense I was blushing when I said that.


K I know it's short and quite crappy but update is better than no update, right?

I might try fix it later...

- Eliza <3

Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now