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"He doesn't understand me, couldn't understand my persistence and pursuit for music. You're not like him, Jungkook. You make me find myself." The two men sat on Yoongi's balcony overlooking the city as they had spoken, the younger providing a listening ear to his hyung as he poured out his heart to the cold night air, Hoseok sitting on the bed listening in silent sadness knowing Yoongi couldn't possibly have known that he could see the two together as the younger male with strong proportions coddled his ultimately ex-lover and the two shared soft kisses of solace and understanding.

"Do you still love him?" the unfamiliar voice filled the bitter air "I don't know." came the elders  response effectively shattering the remnants of Hoseok's heart.
"But the most direct inspiration for music that he brings me" the blonde man continues "Hasn't existed anymore. But you're different." The older man smiles sadly at that, recalling the euphoria he felt that day on the beach with his cyber lover, when he went with his inspiration, the very man that led him to play and laugh once again in the refreshing waves of the sea.

Where there is hope,
There is despair.

"Jungkook, I used to think that I can't write songs anymore but thanks to your appearance now I can do it again. Even Namjoon has said that my inspiration for music had come back." Yoongi recalls the moment, the moment he could touch his inspiration, his cyber lover. The moment their hands entwined and fit perfectly together like missing puzzle pieces for the first time and allows himself to smile softly to his cyber lover "Have you decided yet?" the new face around the apartment asks patiently. "Jungkook, you and Hoseok? I can only choose one." at this Hoseok decides to make his presence known by opening the bedroom door only to shut it closed heavily once more, a method he's utilised in the past to make his presence either known or trick people into thinking he's left the room whilst playing childhood hide and seek blindfold games with their shared friends in fits of drunken giggles. Preparing for bed he acts unbeknown to the conversation that had left holes in his heart merely moments ago as he clamours into the shared bed, waking in the middle of the night to find his arm thrown over his own cyber lovers middle whilst the two men he often lays with his back towards mirrored the position in between kisses and muffled sighs. The weekend passed in no time, the four men awkwardly going about each other among too long silences and uncomfortable nights.

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