Chapter 4

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I take a sip of my Starbucks and look over and Cristin.

"You ready?" I ask, she looks at me and nods her head.

I grab my bag and open my car door. I walkout, close the door and start to walk inside the school. I get catcalled a couple times, and I just roll my eyes. We both head for the main office to get our schedules, since it is the first day of school.

"Thank you." I say as the lady hands me and Cristin our schedules. She nods her head and continues to type on her computer. Obviously she's in a bad mood. I look over at Criatin and give her the "Omg, this BITCH!" look and walk out of the office.

"Damn, if she doesn't like teenagers than why the hell wound she work in a high school?" Cristin laughs. I smile, then look down at my schedule.

1st Period - Calculus

2nd Period - History

3rd Period - Gym

4th Period - Lunch

5th Period - Free Period

6th Period - Biology

7th Period - Art

(I picked random classes. Plus idk what classes are required to graduate so don't get triggered or anything.)

"We have Art and Biology together." Cristin says looking over my shoulder.

"Yessss!" I say

"Ok, we should get to our lockers." Cristin says I nod my head and we both walk of in different directions. I purpusly sway my hips side to side as I walk past a group of guys.

"Damn mama!" I hear someone yell. I cringe at the name. I earn a few dirty looks from some girls, and I quickly return them. I finally get to my locker and I look at my paper for the combination. I put in the combination and smile at myself slighty because I got it on the first try.

I get happy for the simplest things

But my smile quickly goes away as I feel a hand grab my ass.

"Damn, you real thick." Some guy says. I turn around and slap his hand away from me. He has shaggy blonde hair and light brown eyes. He isn't ugly but he isn't hot either, he's cute I guess. I open my mouth to say something but I'm interrupted when I hear someone behind him.

"Don't fucking touch her Jake!" The kid, who's name is apparently Jake, turns to look who said that.

"Shut the fuck up Grayson." Jake says taking a step towards him.

"Jake, you know very well that I'm stronger than you. I'll shove my foot so far up your ass I'll come out of your crusty ass, Aids infected mouth. So don't get on my last fucking nerve." Grayson says getting really close to Jake's face. Jake just rolls his eyes and walks away. Grayson watches him walk away until he turns to look at me.

"I could have handled that." I say rolling my eyes and get my stuff for Calculus.

"Yeah, cause you could of totally handled a 6' foot tall football player." He says with a slight chuckle as he takes a few steps towards me.

"Yeah, exactly!" I say with a laugh and close my locker. He smiles and shakes his head slightly.

"And anyways that ass is mine." He lowers his voice to a whisper. He winks and walks off with a smirk plastered on his face before I could say anything. I close my locker and start walking to class.

*Skip Calculus*

The bell rings and everybody jumps out of their seats to go to their next class. I gather my things and walk to my locker to get my things for history. I stroll through the hallways holding my things against my chest.

"Hey, Haley!" I hear a high pitched voice say behind me. I stop walking and turn to look at the person that said that.


And her friends.

I've always wanted to be part of her group of popular girls, but I've always been the nerd of the school. So I obviously wasn't a part of her group.


"You look amazing. Ok anyways, I wanted to let you know that you and Cristin are invited to sit at out table for lunch." She gestures to her friends who flash a smile.

"Um, well I-" she interrupts me.

"Great! I can't wait. Toodles!" She waves and walks off. Her friends wave at me and follow her.

I stand there a bit in confusion. I just shake it off and continue to my locker. I put in my combination and get my history notebook and put my calculus one away. Today the teachers are just explaining how they will be grading, rules, expectations, and how excited they are for this school year.

I think it's bullshit honestly, but oh well.

I close my locker and look down at my schedule to check what room to go to.

Room 525

I put my schedule away and walk in the direction of the room. I hear footsteps behind me but I don't think much of it. There are alot of people in this school, they are obviously not following me. Pfft.

"Hey!" I hear behind me. I stop walking and turn around to look at who it is.

Ethan Dolan.


"What." I say a little annoyed for some reason. He catches up to me and I continue walking, looking straight ahead looking for my classroom.

"Are you going to room 525?" He asks.

God please no.

"Um, yeah are you?" I say hoping that he would say no and walk away.

"Well I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't." He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.






I sigh, hoping that he wouldn't notice. But obviously he does.

"What? You don't want me being in your class?" He chuckles a bit.

"Would it be mean if I said yes?"

"I mean, I understand why. I did bully you last year. So no, it's not mean. It's perfectly ok." He says not looking at me and we continue down the hall in silence.

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