Chapter 15

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I had fallen asleep, and woke up alone in my cold bed. I honestly kind of miss Grayson already. But I know we only did what he did because he was pissed off and wanted to brag to Ethan that he got to fuck me first.

I sigh rubbing my eyes and sit up in my bed. I try standing up but fall back down from the pain inbetween my legs. I groan and slowly try to wobble over to the kitchen to get some Advil.

"Fucking Grayson's fault." I mumble after swallowing my pill. Again, I sort of wobble back to my room and into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I then try walking normally back to my room.

I sit down on my bed and take a deep breath, kind of tired from the effort of trying to walk. I go over to my dresser and slip on a pair of panties and put on a bra.

I then put on my dress and shoes, (outfit above) then grab my phone checking the time. I have ten minutes to get to school and it's like a fifteen minute drive to get there if there's no traffic.

I mentally curse myself for being so god damn slow. This is all Grayson's fault. Well, I mean I wasn't complaining last night.

Anyways I quickly try gathering my things for school and throw them into my car. I then shove my keys into the ignition and turn the car on. I speed over to Cristin's house where's she was waiting for me.

She runs over to the car and gives me a death glare after she closes the door and puts on her seat belt. I quickly drive off to school.

"Why the hell are you so late?" She sets her bag on her lap and crosses her arms in annoyance.

"Its a long story." I say trying to get her to shut up because I don't really want to tell her. She looks over at me waiting for the story. I sigh rolling my eyes.

"So I was at the gym yesterday and I went to my... dance class. The Ethan and Grayson were there and saw me dancing. Which happens to be twerking." I mumble the last part a bit.

"So when I came out they were staring at me, saying 'oh, I didn't know you knew how to twerk' or 'fuck that was really hot'. I kind of ignored it and went into the locker room. Ethan followed me in and we made out in there for a while." Her eyes widen at my words.

"You made out with Ethan!"

"Yes I did, but shut the fuck up cause I'm not done telling the story. So, anyways, I told him it was to soon and then I went home. Grayson found out and he was pissed off. He went to my house screaming and yelling at me why I made out with Ethan. I sort of then, purposely pissed him off some more and we ended up having, sex..." Cristin chokes on her own spit and starts coughing uncontrollably. I pat her back trying to help her out but I only end up laughing.

"You had sex, with one of the hottest guy in our school. The captain of the football team. The captain of the lacrosse team! The guy that every girl wishes to even be able to touch. You had sex, with that guy?!" I slowly nod my head and look at the time on my phone then set it back down.

"How was it?" She leans in closer to me and I laugh at her question.

"Honestly, it was sooooo good. Like it was angry sex, so it was even better. I couldn't even fucking walk when I woke up." She leans back in her seat as I pull up into the school.

I had somehow made it to school on time. I get my things from the back seat and hop out of the car. Cristin walks over to my side of the car.

"Can you walk now?" She asks looking down at my legs. I sort of shrug and start walking to the school is if to kind of show her. She giggles at how weird I'm walking and I give her a glare. She walks next to me and be both go through the doors of the school.

The pain between my legs slowly starts to fade away as the pill starts to kick in, thankfully.

Cristin and I split ways as we go to our lockers. The hallways are emptier than normal because everyone's in their classes already. I hurry up a little since I only have like three minutes.

I open up my locker and take out everything I need from my locker and shove it into my backpack. I usually just leave my backpack in my locker and get what I need, but I really dont feel like doing that today because it'll make me late.

I quickly walk to my class walking past a few people still in the hallway. I don't think much of them until I feel someone grab my arm. I whip my head towards them.

"Could you walk this morning?" Grayson smirks and gives me a wink. I sigh and yank my arm out of his grip.

"Look, I have to get to class." I start to walk away from him.

"Don't you want to do it again?" He says walking beside me. I sigh once more because I know that it won't mean anything to him, just like last night didn't mean anything to him.

"It was just a one night thing Grayson, I don't want rumors spreading that I fucked you. Twice."

"Aw, come on." I shake my head and walk faster.

"Just let me get to my class, please." I say, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Ugh, fine." He groans. He stops following me and walks off to his class. I speed walk to my class just as the bell rings. I quickly take my seat and take a deep breath, preparing myself for this really boring class.

Just as the teacher is about to speak, he is interrupted by the anouncements.

"Good morning students and teachers. I just wanted to announce the ladies that made the cheer team really quick so they can come pick up their uniforms from the gym." I sit up in my seat as I anxiously listen to the people that made the cheer team.

I had tried out last week along with Cristin, and we were told that we would be told who made the team in a week. I totally forgot about that until right now.

I think I did pretty good at try outs. Cristin did pretty good too. We danced and did a few cheers.
(I'm so stupid. Of course they did cheers, it's a fricken CHEER team. Like tf, my mind is just telling me to include this for some reason)

Lauren, Alexis, Jamie, Maya, and Willow also tried out for the team, and they obviously are going to make it because they were really good. Lauren was the captain of the cheer team last year, and I bet she'll be the cheer captain again this year.

Emma and Leah weren't at tryouts, and I actually haven't seen them in a while to be honest. I sort of tune the lady out until I hear my name called.

"And lastly Haley Becker and Cristin Adler." A few people clap for me and I smile politely at them. In this class there were mostly nerds so nobody really cared about the cheer team. Or any team for that matter.

"Congratulation ladies! After the annoucements come by the office to pick up your new uniforms. Your first practice will be today after school." After that I don't really pay attention to what the lady has to say.

I awkwardly stand up and head for the door, a slight smile on my face though. I'm pretty excited to be honest. All eyes turn to face me as I open the door, and I quickly close it behind me.

A/n: Plz read
Sorry it took me so long to post, this is also really shitty cuz I didn't edit, but whatever, what's different. I was thinking that maybe you guys could ask me some questions that you might want to know and I could answer a few of them at the end of the next chapter. Or, I could write an entire chapter of just me answering questions. Idk, comment what you want me to do.

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