Chapter 16

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I walk into the office and I walk up to the only lady that's in here. She's sitting on a chair looking through some papers. She has a pixie hair cut and seems to be in her forties. She pushes up her glasses and looks up at me.

"Um, hi, I came to pick up my cheer uniform?" The last part kind of comes out as a question. The lady smiles nodding her head and walks over to a shelf in the back.


"Oh. Uh, Haley Becker." I say. She moves some bags around until she finnaly picks one off the shelf. She walks back over to me and hands me the bag with a sticky note on it with my name and grade.

"Thank you." I smile politely at her and begin to walk away.

"No problem, just remember to stay after school for practice." I look back at her and nod my head and walk out of the office. I open up the bag to look at my uniform when I accidently bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I look up to see Cristin. She smiles and looks down at the bag in my hand then back at me.

"Is that your uniform?" She asks pointing at the bag. I nod my head.

"Yeah, I just went to go pick it up from the office. Also, congrats bitch! We made the team!" She laughs and we high five each other, the sound of our hands smacking together ringing in the hallway. A sharp stinging forms in my hand, and that's how you know it was a good ass high five.

"Ok, Ima go get my uniform then. I'll see you later." I nod and we give each other a quick hug before going our separate ways. On my way to class I put my bag in my locker, and to waste some more time I get a drink from the water fountain.

I sigh and slowly walk back to my class.

*End of Class*

The bell rings as I'm packing up my stuff. The teacher gave me a five page packet filled with problems that are due on Wednesday. I quickly put it away in my folder.

Even though I had a glow up over the summer and my confidence has gotten better, I still want to do well in school. Maybe have a bit more fun then last year, but still get good grades. I'm still the same Haley I was last year, on the inside.

I grab my bag and head on to my next class. Ethan's in this class and I'm a bit anxious. I have no idea if he knows what happened between me and Grayson. And I honestly don't want him to know.

I walk into my history class and sit down at my seat, setting my bag next to my feet. I take out my books and pencils and neatly place them on my desk. I look around trying to see if the teacher is here yet, and I take out my phone. I go on my Snapchat opening snaps from my friends.

I then go on Instagram, seeing that I've gained a few hundred followers and likes. I'm startled when someone snatches my phone out of my hand. I look up and see Ethan sitting on my desk.

"I've been trying to get your attention." He says annoyed. Then he starts going through my phone. He opens up my Snapchat.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing!?" I try grabbing my phone out of his hands, but he slaps my hand out of the way.

"Hmm, let's see what this Tyler guy sent you." He opens up the snap, and bursts out laughing. Everyone in the class turns to look at us.

"What?" I ask a bit curious as to what he's laughing about. I stand on my tippy toes trying to take a look. He shows me the picture, which is a dick pic. I look around to see if anyone saw.

"Ethan, put that away! Someone's going to see!" He shrugs, then grabs my face kissing me and snaps a picture. He let's me go, and I feel a bit flustered. I feel my face heat up a bit making him chuckle. He quickly types,

"Hey asshole, she don't need no dick pics cuz the only dick she needs is mine. Thanks." He hits send and hands me my phone back.

"No dick pics for you. Other than mine of course." He winks then walks behind me, giving me a wet kiss on my neck, then takes the seat behind me.

*Cheer Practice*

Today felt like it lasted days, and I really wanted to go home already. But no, I have cheer practice. I just hope that it's fun. I grab my backpack and look around for Cristin. I don't see her anywhere so I head to the gym anyways. I walk into he team locker room where some girls are already changing.

I set my stuff down and take my shirt off when Lauren walks over to me.

"Hey, Haley! How are you?" She asks me as I set my shirt down on the bench. I smile at her.

"Ok I guess, how are you? I haven't seen you all day." She nods her head and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, I know. I wanted to talk to you today but I didn't find you."

"Oh, okay. Well at least well get to see each other every day at cheer." She smiles again, shifting her weight on her other foot. I notice her acting a bit weird.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask her furrowing my brows.

"Well, there's this rumor going around about you. And I'm not really sure if you've heard it." My heart skips a beat. I raise my eyebrows waiting for her tell me.

"Ok, well there's a rumor that you Grayson fucked. Which I mean isn't bad, I would be pretty proud of that if people found out." She smirks and giggles.

"Well, ok, we did hook up last night." She squeals and jumps up and down. I shush her and look around to see if anyone noticed her excitement. Cristin walks over to us and gives Lauren a weird look.

"Why are you jumping?" Cristin says standing next me and setting her stuff down next to mine.

"Because Haley and Grayson hooked up." Lauren whispers to Cristin. Cristin nods her head, already knowing this.

"Did you know already?"

"Yeah, I found out the morning." Cristin begins changing throwing her clothes down on the bench.

"Oh." Lauren says and begins putting on her cheer clothes on. The cheer clothes are really cute if I'm being honest. It's a crop top with our school colors, blue and white, and our mascot the panther in the center. (I just thought of a random animal)

I then put on my skirt which is just completely blue and it barely covers my butt. The coach, which happens to be Mrs. Anderson, my gym teacher, tells us to hurry up and head on out to the field.

I finish putting on my white shoes and run out the door along with the other girls.

Aye, I finally edited! But nobody cares so it doesn't matter😂 Ask me some questions and I'll answer them in the next chapter. Make sure to comment, vote, and follow me! I'm so cringe. Ok I'll go now.

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