Chapter 7

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I say goodbye to all of the girls as me and Cristin walk to the car. As I sit in the drivers seat I lean my head back while closing my eyes and sigh.

"Today was a long day." I say while Cristin closes the car door and puts on her seat belt.

"You want Chipotle?" She asks making me laugh slightly. I nod my head and turn on the car.

"Ok, as long as you're paying." She nods her head and smiles. On our way to Chipotle, we talk about our classes and all the hot guys we saw at school. We also laugh a bit at the, me and Grayson thing that happened after gym.

When we get to Chipotle and order our food, we sit down at a table outside.

"So do you like him?" She looks at me and takes a bite from her burrito bowl. I shrug and take a bite from my burrito, knowing she means Grayson.

"I mean, I've always had a crush on him. But, he's always treated me like shit all the time, until recently, and that's only because I had a glow up." I feel a bit upset saying that, because it's true. The only reason he's not bullying me anymore is because I'm not an ugly nerd like I used to be.

Its the only reason anybody's being nice to me.

She nods her head and looks down at her food, and I can tell she understands me. We sit in silence for a bit while we eat our food.

"I know how you feel. Everyone's been complimenting me and talking to me like we're friends. But they know very well that they didn't even know my name last year, and now they're talking to me like we've known each other for all of our lives." She rolls her eyes and takes another bite.

I nod my head in agreement.

"I know, that's what everyone's been doing the entire day." I say with a mouthful of food.

"Haley, stop, don't talk with your mouth full of food. It's disgusting." She says making me laugh. I cover my mouth with my hand.

"Is that better? Mom." I joke, making her ball up a napkin and throw it at me.

"Dumbass." She says laughing. I shake my head and take another bite of my burrito.


After dropping Cristin off at her house, I head to mine.

Its only the first day of school and I'm already tired af

After I set my bag down in my room and I take off my shoes, I change into some comfy clothes. Some Clavin Klein underwear and bra, then just some sweatpants.

I don't bother with my hair and just keep it down. I head to my desk and take off my makeup. After I remove my makeup, I go to the bathroom and do my business. I then wash my hands and go down stairs to watch some Netflix.

Obviously putting on Vampire Diaries. Cuz you all know Damon is a daddy. Stefan too, but Damon is more of a daddy than Stefan in my opinion.

Anyways, I watch Vampire Diaries until 9:30 and then head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I didn't have dinner because I was still a bit full from the Chipotle.

I then lay down on my bed and scroll through my phone. Opening my Snapchat, I was suprised to see that a couple hundred people added me, so I added back the people that I knew. Ethan and Grayson added me, so I quickly added them back. The people I didnt know probably got my snap from instagram. It took a while, but when I was done I went over to Instagram.

I had gained 21.7k followers since that picture that I posted. My eyes widen as I scroll through the people that followed me. I notice that one of my new followers is Ethan and Grayson. I smirk slightly and I follow them back, quickly liking a few of their posts.

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