Chapter 4 - A Wolf Among Sheep

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As Malik and Jensen arrive back at Sarif Industries Malik is told that Jensen is required to go to Pritchard to examine the Typhoon. As they land on the helipad Malik tells Jensen about the order.

"New orders just in, Jensen. The Boss wants Pritchard to examine the Typhoon ASAP." Malik told Jensen
"Copy that. Thanks for the lift." Jensen replied
"No problem. Hey and, uh, Jensen... I just wanted to say... That new look suits you. Like, you haven't missed a beat at all." Malik complemented
"Thanks." Jensen said
"So... how does it feel, being augmented?" Malik asked
"Excuse me?" Jensen said
"Don't take it the wrong way. I mean, I've got a few neuro-enhancements myself. Discreet ones. To help me fly better." Malik told him. "But I chose to get them implanted. You didn't. Now that you've had a chance to try them out, what do you think?" Malik asked
"I'm not gonna lie and say they didn't come in handy back there. But like you said, I didn't choose to get augmented."  Jensen replied
"So it will take some time getting used to, I get it. But don't be surprised if the boss keeps pushing you to get more." Malik told him
"Why? What do you mean?" Jensen asked
"You know how he is. He thinks augmentations are everything. And he can't understand why someone wouldn't want to become more than human." Malik replied
"Megan used to say the same thing." Jensen told her
"I'm not surprised. The research she was doing was pretty inspired. Might've convinced a lot more people to give what we make here a try." Malik said
"If they hadn't killed her." Jensen told her
"Listen, Jensen. I know you want to find the men who attacked us, and so do I. But the signal broadcast is more important. Maybe after this signal problem, we can deal with them." Malik told him
"I'm gonna find the person behind the signal, Malik. One way or another." Jensen said
"I believe you. And just so you know, when you do... I've got your back." Malik said
"I... appreciate that, Malik. But right now-" Jensen said but was cut off
"You've got to get the Typhoon into the tech lab. Right. See you later then. Oh and Jensen? The boss wants a face to face debrief in his office once the typhoon is secure." Malik said
"Roger that. Good night, Malik." Jensen says

After the conversation, Jensen heads over to the tech lab where Pritchard is at
 "Well if it isn't the Mahatma Gandhi himself, come to honour us all with his life preserving presence." Pritchard said. "If this is about the Typhoon, I'll get to it in a minute." Pritchard told him
"Now, Pritchard. I didn't risk my neck to have you lose it in a pile of CPUs and SCSI adapters." Jensen demanded
"Well look at you, using the big words." Pritchard insulted him. "Don't think, just because you hacked through the plant's security systems so fast, that you're an expert on everything computer." Pritchard said. "There's a reason I can't examine the Typhoon yet."  Pritchard told Jensen
"Tell me why then." Jensen asked
"For your information, I am running a diagnostics sweep on our network and touter security, to find out how Sanders hacker got hold of our codes." Pritchard replied
"I'd have thought the first question to ask is "whose codes were they?" Unless... you already know." Jensen told him
"Stick to kicking down doors and shooting people, Jensen. And stop trying to do my job. I guarantee we'll get along better that way." Pritchard said

After that Jensen leaves the tech lab and heads to the elevator to get to Sarif. Once he had arrived at Sarif's Floor he heads inside Sarif's office.

"I'm telling you, Hugh, he might not have put the gun in Sanders' hand, but it was Taggart's speech to the UN that started all this!" Sarif shouted
"William Taggart is nothing if not a cold political operator. You know that, David." Hugh said
"So for the sake of appearances, I have to look him in the eye and let him talk nonsense to me?" Sarif asked
"With a smile. Always with a smile." Hugh told him

Jensen enters the room after they Hugh had finished his sentence.

"We'll talk later." Hugh tells Sarif

And with that, the hologram of Hugh vanishes.

"You wanted to see me?" Jensen asked
"Yeah, how are you feeling?" Sarif replied
"I've had better days" Jensen answered
"Well when we're done here, check in with Doctor Marcovic, at the LIMB Clinic downtown. Can't hurt to get a check-up." Sarif told Jensen
"If you insist. Listen, About Sanders..." Jensen said
"Yeah, about Sanders. What in the world were you thinking, letting him slip away like that?! I sent you in there to take care of things! He might have been the one who had sent the broadcast and threatened every augmented person on this planet." Sarif told him
"I'm also starting to see why your superiors in the police force decided to blame you for the Mexicantown riots. Adam, I thought you were ready for this." Sarif said
"I am. Today's attack was just a shell game being run by somebody else. I intend to find out who, and why, so that it never happens again." Jensen tells Sarif
"Good. And so do I. That hacker, in Sanders group. Are you sure he was augmented?" Sarif asked
"I pulled his cables out myself." Jensen replied
"Well, the police are saying he's not. They're refusing to let me see the body, no matter how much money I threaten to pull from this retirement fund." Sarif tells Jensen
"Maybe someone else is offering more. So what do you want me to do, boss?" Jensen questioned
"We have to get a look at that corpse..." Sarif told him. "You've still got friends on the force. You think, uh... you think one of them will let you into the morgue?" Sarif asked
"Depends on who I run into." Jensen told him
"Get over to the station and find a way inside. Because if that hacker was augmented, his neural might tell us who he was and who was controlling him. Contact me when you've gotten a hold of it." Sarif tells him
"Boss. What you're asking me to do... it's not exactly legal." Jensen tells Sarif
"No. It isn't... You got a problem with that?" Sarif asked
"No. Just... figured I'd point it out." Jensen said
"Oh. thanks. And believe me, if I had another option, we'd be taking it. But these past six months, seems like all the influence I've built up in this city just dried up and was blown away." Sarif tells him
"Well, you were able to keep SWAT from infiltrating the plant until I was able to get inside and tried to find the person behind the broadcast." Jensen told Sarif
"Just barely. And now, someone else is pulling the strings to keep us in the dark... We need that neural hub. It's the key to finding out who's behind the broadcast." Sarif said
"And taking out the person behind the signal... I'm on it." Jensen said

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