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My name is Katelynn I'm 19 years old. I am 5'5, I have light brown hair; just passed my shoulders, and crystal blue eyes. I was born in Kentucky, but my dad and I moved to Tennessee when I was 16, after my parents got divorced, due to my mother cheating with our neighbors wife. My dad walked in on them, it was horrible. My dad couldn't believe it, they had all been friends for most of their lives. He took it pretty hard, as did I. So once he decided to move, I made the choice to come with him. It was just to much for me to see my mother after how she destroyed our family. I haven't spoken to her since. She stopped trying to call me a week after we left, I guess I wasn't important to her.

My dad is the most important person in my life, he has always been there not matter what, and always gave me great advice. Before he started traveling so much we would always go get ive cream together and talk about boys I thought were cute. He always encouraged me to do what made me happy, even if he didn't agree with my choice. I wish we could spend more time together. But luckily I have my best friend now.

My best friends name is Emily, we have been friends since I moved here. She's my neighbor, which is amazing! She has never met her mother, she left when Emily was born. Refused to hold and everything, leaving all the responsibility on her dad. He is the most laid back parent I have ever met, he lets us have parties when my father is away on business, which is unfortunately alot of the time. He works hard to provide for us. When he's gone im usually at Emily's house, or my boyfriend Ben's house.

We decided to take some time off from school before we went to college, we just wanted to relax for a while, pary and be young without having to worry about school. Our dads don't want us to work yet, they want us to enjoy our youth while we can. So we spend alot of time tanning, shopping, and eating. We can put away some food, no idea where it goes. I wish i could gain some weight though. I run sometimes, but only when i need to clear my head, it's therapeutic for me.

Ben and I have been together for a little over a year now. Im totally head over heels for him. He was my first everything. We met at a college party that Emily and I crashed, hes 22. All the girls he goes to school woth are always all over him he says, but he always turns them down because he only has eyes for me. I like to surprise him at his dorm during the week every once in a while to help him relax some. Its so sweet, his phone is constantly going off when we are together but he always leaves it in his bedside table so the attention is all on me. I wish he went to college close, he goes to the university about 4 hours from my town.

Little did I know, my world was about to come crashing down, in all the worst ways.

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