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"Have a safe flight baby, let me know when you get there and when you get to your hotel room." I say hugging Hunter in the airport. Emily left a few days ago, nothing has really changed since you couldn't tell she was there when she was there. It will be different being there by myself this weekend, but it will be fine. Hunter is leaving to go find us a house so we can move hopefully in the next month before I need to make another doctor appointment. I have already found a doctor there online that seems good, has great reviews and is close to the neighborhood that we are trying to buy a house in. "I will baby, don't you worry you pretty little head about me. make sure you eat good and take your vitamins." he kisses my head. "I will baby. I love you" "I love you too my beautiful wife." We kiss one last time as he walks through security and we wave goodbye.

Once I get home I go take a nice long relaxing lavender bath. After I go start watching some new shows on TV, nothing is really seeming interesting to me so I decide on a nap instead. A few hours later I hear my phone start buzzing, I look and see that I have a few missed texts from Hunter and 5 missed calls.

Hunter: hey baby i landed in Wisconsin. Im getting my bags now and then heading to the hotel. How are you feeling?

Missed call from Hunter.

Hunter: i just got to the hotel and im my room. Im going to take a shower so i can wash the plane off of me haha.

Missed call from Hunter.

Hunter: are you okay baby? Havent hear from you in a while.

Missed call from Hunter.

Hunter: im starting to get worried Katelynn. You need to answer me

Missed call from Hunter.

Hunter: Katelynn im fucking serious! Im about to call and change my flight to come home right now to make sure you're okay!

Missed call from Hunter.


Me: o my god baby! Im so sorry! I took a bath and fell asleep! I didnt mean to worry you! Im glad you made it safe to the hotel babe!

Hunter: jesus! You scared me! You need to turn your volume up on your phone. I was just walking out the hotel room to come home!

Me: i know baby, im sorry. It wont happen again.

Hunter: its okay baby. Im sorry i freaked out on you. Im just glad you are okay. I dont know what i would do if something happened to you or elijah

Me: i know baby. Nothing will happen to us. We are healthy and very happy. But we do miss you

Hunter: i miss yall too baby. Ill be home in a couple days. I have an appointment with a realtor in the morning. She has 3 houses to show me in the neighborhood we want

Me: thats great baby! Let me know which one you like. Ill let you get some rest. I love you

Hunter: i love you too my queen. Talk to you tomorrow

I head back to bed after he texts me, being pregnant is really draining the life out of me. I never knew it would be this hard growing a baby inside of you.

Sometime around 4 am I wake up and start getting sick, thinking to myself 'I thought this morning sickness bullshit was done' yay me. Ugh.

That morning:
Hunter: good morning baby. How did you sleep?

Me: i slept okay but not nearly as good as i do when you're here. I got sick again arojnd 4 this morning which sucked. How did you sleep?

Hunter: i slept ok considering i didnt have your sexy little body pressed against me

Me: dont you go starting shit that you cant fix right now mr williams

Hunter: yes ma'am 😉

Hunter: i have to head to meet emma now baby. I love you

Me: i love you too

It's been a while since I've heard from Hunter, but I'm not going to worry or stress. It's not good for Elijah, he will text me soon I'm sure. I'm just going to go for a short walk and clear my head.

When I get home I'm exhausted, my short walk turned into a 2 hour jog. So after my shower I pass out and sleep amazing. By the time I wake up the sun is shining bright theough our curtains at first im very relaxed because of my great sleep, but then I start freaking out because I'm sure Hunter is going to come home early if I don't respond to any texts. So I pull out my phone and to my surprise I have no texts from him. Now I'm worried, this isn't like him at all.

Me: babe are you okay? I havent heard from you since yesterday morning.

Hunter: oh yea, im good. Found a house and went out to celebrate. Must have drank a little to much. We can move in immediately if you want to go get some boxes and start packing stuff up and i can head home today instead of tomorrow and we can be moved by the end of the week.

Me: o my god baby. That sounds amazing! Im so excited! I cant wait to see you either, ive missed that sexy body of yours 😉

Hunter: o ummm yea me too. Ill just see you when i get home. Bye

Hmmm..... he's acting really weird. He went our drinking which is something he never does and he definitely doesnt go alone, he didn't use any pet names, no 'i miss you' or 'i love you', and he didnt have anything to say about my sexual comment. Something is wrong, but I'll just try to figure it out when he comes home, for now I'll get some boxes like he said and start packing.

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