Worst day ever.

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I don't know how long I'm sitting at the hospital to have a D&C done, the world just seems to be whooshing by, right in front of me, while I am stuck in place, replaying those words over and over. My son, doesn't have a heart beat.... my son.... he's.... he's... gone.

After the procedure, I head home, I tried to text and call Hunter, but of course, I got no response. I'm not surprised at all. But to my surprise, I see his car in the driveway. As I walk inside, I hear the shower running so I head up to our room. Stopping at the nursery that is now useless, I can't bare to look at it, so I force myself to keep moving. I hear him talking in the shower, but I can't make out what he's saying over the water. I pull myself together and walk in "Babe, I need to tell you something about Elijah....." As I'm about to elaborate the shower curtain comes oven revealing my naked husband and Emma. My heart breaks again, I can't breathe. Hunter jumps out of the shower and tries to come closer, "babe, it's not what it looks like, I swear" I don't know what came over me, but I just start laughing, and turn and walk into our room. As I'm grabbing a bag and throwing clothes inside, Hunter grabs my arm, "Where do you think you are going?" I laugh harder "I don't believe that is any of your business anymore Hunter" he gets angry, I've never seen him angry, and I am honestly scared right now, but I refuse to let him see that. "Are you fucking kidding me Katelynn?!?! You are my fucking wife, and carrying my child! You're fucking mistaken if you think you can leave with my son right now!" I start crying and he softens, "I lost him, he didn't have a heart beat, I had to go have a D&C done at the hospital. You would have known that if you had picked up your fucking phone Hunter! But no! You were to busy fucking Emma! How long Hunter? How long have you been screwing her behind my back?" he's crying now at the news of our son. "Since the day I picked the house, when I went to celebrate, I invited her with, and one drink lead to another and I slept with her. It's been going on just about every day since then, and she is also pregnant. I was trying to figure out a way to tell you, I just couldn't bring myself to hurt you, I'm sorry baby" At this point I'm just numb, I feel nothing anymore. "Well congratulations Hunter." That's all I could bring myself to say to him as I walked passed Emma in a towel and walked right out the front door.

I didn't know where I was driving, but I ended up at Nathan's house. I just walk in, he gave me a key a while back, for emergencies, or just whenever I wanted to used it. "Nathan!" I call out, he immediately flings the bathroom door open, he had a towel wrapped around his waist, he looks at me and his face drops, as I'm sure he can tell I've been through hell and back since I left him earlier this afternoon. "Katelynn? What happened?" I cry more and he pulls me into his chest "Elijah didn't have a heart beat, the doctor said it was stress caused, I had to go have a D&C alone, Hunter wouldn't answer the phone, and then I got home to tell him and I found him fucking Emma in our shower, he's been fucking her since she helped him pick our house out, and a cherry on top, she's pregnant" He doesn't say anything, he knows I don't want to talk anymore about it, so he takes my bag and sets it in his room as I go take a shower.

I walk into Nathan's room looking through my bag, I see him walking by "Hey Nate" he stops and looks me up and down, I realize I only have a towel wrapped around me and I feel nervous. "Umm.... I-I kind of spaced and didn't grab any clothes to sleep in, do you mind if I borrow a shirt? I'll go back tomorrow and get the rest of my stuff in storage and look for an apartment near by." he looks at me puzzled, "Babe, you're not going anywhere, you are going to stay here, I have plenty of room, and I'm going to clear my day tomorrow and go help you get all of your things out of that house, you won't be going back there alone. But of course you can use a shirt, second drawer, help yourself" he shoots me a genuine smile. I lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek "Thanks Nate, this means a lot." "Anything for you Katelynn, when you're dressed come downstairs, I ordered pizza and have a movie ready." He always knows how to take my mind off of things, "I'll be right down Nate"

I slip into one of Nathan's shirts and brush my hair, then throw it up into a messy bun and head downstairs. I see Nate is in his gym shorts with no shirt on, exposing his amazing body, as I look down his abs, his V line is very noticeable, I look away and blush as I notice that he isn't wearing underwear. You can tell that his member is hanging free, and holy hell does it look delicious. I push away that thought, as I am married. My hormones are out of whack still, the doctor said it would be a while until things went back to normal. Nate pulls me out of my thoughts as he sits very close to me and puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into him to cuddle on the couch.

I wake up and see that I fell asleep on Nathan and he is also asleep, he looks so peaceful. I turn more and gently shake him awake "mmmmm.... Katelynn.... " he moans, I continue to shake him "Nathan, honey, wake up and we can go to bed" his eyes pop open and seems embarrassed and I don't know why until I feel his hard member against my stomach and look down. I turn away fast and blush, he was dreaming about me, that thought made me smile. "Oh, ummm, sorry I fell asleep, ummm, lets go to bed." he stands up and tries to adjust himself so his erection isn't noticeable, he fails, only making it more noticeable. But I decide not to mention it, as I can tell he is embarrassed. We head upstairs, and after much arguing about how I won't let him sleep on the floor and how he won't let me sleep on the floor, we decide to share the bed.

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