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I amswer the door and welcome Mr. Williams and Emily inside, dinner isn't ready yet, so we go to the living room and talk. Emily turns to me, "Oooo Katelynn, I wanna go on a run tomorrow, you up for it?" "Of course, I probably wont be very talkative though, I've got someone on my mind that shouldn't be. So I have to figure out what I'm going to do about it." I try to be vague since that someone is sitting on the couch with us listening also. "What do you have to figure out?" Emily's dad asks as my dad enters the room and answers before I get the chance to. "Oh, Katelynn has a thing for a older man, I told her to make a move and see where it goes, I just want to see my daughter happy with someone who will treat her right and not do how Ben did her." I internally slap my face, I hadn't talked about that to anyone besides Emily and my dad. "Oh? And what did Ben do Katelynn?" Mr. Williams asks turning to me. "He ummmm..... I...... caught him cheating on me with 2 girls I was friends witb..." "His loss honey, you can do better. I agree with your father though, make a move with the older man, you never know, he may feel the same and is just scared you'll think hes gross and okd or something." I can't help but stare at his beautiful self! Emily interrupts me,"Hells yeah girl! Get a sexy older guy! Thats hot!" I respond shyly,"Oh he's definitely sexy." As I look back to her dad who has his eyes already on me raising his eyebrow. "Well dinner is ready, shall we?" My dad says and gestures for the dining room. We head to our seats Emily in front of me and her father behind me, I could swear I feel his breath on my neck, sends chills through my body.

At our 4 chair square table, Emily sits in front of my dad, leaving me to looks af her father. "Well, I asked you here because I have a favor to ask of you, Hunter" my dad breaks my thoughts. "I am havingnto leave for business again in 2 days, and I'm not sure how long I will have to stay. So, I was hoping that Katelynn could stay with you? I would give you money to help with her expenses of course. I just don't want her to have to be here by herself for who knows how long." Before my dad could try to add more, he is interrupted by Mr. Williams. "Of course she can, she is always welcome" he says the last part thrning to look at me and smile. "But I don't want you to give me money. I'm sure I can keep her happy without your money." He says again looking at me with a suggestive look on his face. But I'm sure im imagining things. "Wonderful! And thank you so much Hunter!"

Emily and I excused ourselves shortly after to pack some of my things because during dinner, my dad got a call that he had to leave in the morning very early, so it looked like I was heading there tonight. I'm going to miss my dad very much, but I know he loves his job and does this for us to have a good life.

At Emily's I'm unpacking my things in the guest bedroom. It's between her room and her dads room and has its own bathroom, which is nice. I have my clothes off about to put on some new panties and a sports bra because it's hot tonight, I hear my phone.


Unknown: you can do better than that loser, i wish you had told me about it. Im still here to talk. Anytime you need me, or for anything else.

Me: who is this?

Unknown: Hunter baby

Me: oh, hey mr. williams! Im sorry i didnt tell you. Not something im proud of. It embarrasses me because clearly i wasnt enough for him. He was my firat everything and he didnt care about mw the way i did for him.

Mr. Williams: baby, please call me hunter. Makes me feel old when you call me that. Speaking of old, who is this older man you like? Your father mentioned after you left the table that you think it will ruin a friendship?  You like one of your friends boyfriend or something? Never feel like your not enough for someone baby, your more than enough for the right person.

Me: im sorry sir, you are far from old, ill do better. Or at least ill try. And something like that, but not quite. Im sure its just me that way about him though. Its mainly just this undeniable attraction right now. But of course he's experienced, more so than i am im sure. I bet he doesnt like inexperienced little girls like me. :/

Hunter: i bet he feels the attraction too. Your beautiful and if you dont mind me saying, you have an amazing body. And about the inexperienced thing, take it from me, older men love to teach younger women things and rock their world like never before. ;) you should make a move for sure, he will love it.

Oh holy shit! Thats hot!

Me: thank you hunter :) and i bet he could rock my world but im so nervous to make a move. I dont know what to do. Maybe you could tell me what you think he may like?

Hunter: see, calling me hunter wasnt so hard was it ;) im sure if you wear something sexy that shows off your breasts and ass good and "accidentally" rub your self on him, that would work im sure and also flirt with him, men of any agenlove that. at least that would put it out there that your attracted to him.

Me: thank you for your advice, I'll definitely try that. Im going to try to get some sleep, good night hunter ;) *your right, its nice calling you that*

Hunter: sleep tight baby, see you in the morning. (Its nice coming from you)

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