6 weeks later.

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Sitting in Emily's room watching tv with her I can't help but think about these past 6 weeks. Hunter and I are fantastic, sneaking around isn't ideal but we make it work. We have had a couple of close calls but haven't been caught. Sex almost every day for 6 weeks. My body feels great all the time. Every time feels like the first time, I'll never get used to or tired of being intimate with my best friends father. I'm falling in love with him, he treats me amazing. He bought me this gorgeous necklace for my 20th birthday 2 weeks ago. It's a white gold heart pendant necklace with diamonds in it. I wear it every day proudly.

"Ugh! Aunt flow sucks!" Emily plops on the bed with 2 chocolate bars and sodas. I look at her confused, " 2 chocolate bars? Really fatty?" I laugh at her. "The other is for you ass hole. I figured you'd be craving chocolate too, being pn your period and all." My hearts stops. "I'm not on my period Em..." all color drained from my face. "What the fuck Katelynn!" She yells so loud I'm sure Hunter heard her. My suspicion is confirmed when he texts me.

Hunter: everything okay baby? I heard emily yelling at you.?

Me: no

Hunter: what do you mean no? Whats wrong baby. Are you okay?

"You had your period 2 weeks before the beach right? So you ahould be on it for the second time since then. Our periods are synced. You didn't meet up with your boyfriend at the beach did you?" I can barely speak which says my answer loud and clear. "Oh Katelynn.... honey. Did you use a condom?" She asks me. How did we not use one? How could we let this happen? Emily will kill me, I'll lose my best friend and my boyfriend. There's no way he wants to raise another baby after his is all grown up. I need to get out of here. So I got up and ran out the door. "Katelynn!!!!" Emily yells after me.

Emily: honey, come back. We will figure this out together. Your not alone. Me and dad will both be there for you. Love you. Come back please. Dads worried and so am i. I hope you dont mind but i told him. I didnt know what else to do.

Hunter: baby girl. Please meet me at the park. We need to talk. Ill be there in 10.

Great. Im going to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me, all because I'm stupid. Might as well go ahead and get this over with. Bite the bullet if you will. I finally made my way to the park after walking auper slow. Takes me a hour to get there because I stopped at the gas station to take a pregnancy test. I held the pee soaked test in my hand the whole way. When I arrive, he is sitting on the bench we always met at. I'm surprised he's still here after having to wait for a hour. Must be ready to end this relationship so he doesn't have to worry about this.

"Hey." I say with my head down, not wanting to make eye contact with my boyfriend, well soon to be ex boyfriend. We haven't even said I love you to eachother yet, and I'm about to ruin everything when I hand him this test with a blue plus sign on it. I pull all my courge together and say "Go ahead, end the relationship. I know you're going to, so just do it already. I fucked up, I got pregnant. I'm sorry, I won't make you raise another baby. I'll do it on my own, I would get an abortion, but I can't, I just found out and I love my baby already. So I'm going to go now. Sorry I messed up, I loved these 6 weeks with you. Hell I fell in love with you and I ruined it. Goodbye Hunter." I turn to leave but he grabs my waist and makes me look at him. His eyes are red from crying while I was speaking. I'm sure my eyes match his, I've been crying for at least a hour. "You didn't ruin anything, I can't believe that I was to caught up in the moment to remember to use a condom. Im sorry for that. You have nothing to be sorry for, I will not let you raise this baby on your own. I'm in love with you Katelynn, I'll never leave you. I love our baby." He says the last part as he puts his hand on my belly. "You love us?" I ask with tears in my eyes. "Of course I do. I'm so happy we get to have a family together. Are you happy?" He asks hopeful. "Yes" he takes my face in his hands and kisses me like his life depended on it. Then he called and made a doctors appointment for me. He genuinely seemed excited. I hope Emily will understand, I can't lose her, not now.

"My dad!" I screech. "What am I supposed to tell my dad?? He will hate you, and me, he will never want to see me again." I start having a panic attack. "Baby, calm down. We have some time before you start to show. We will figure out how we are going to tell your dad and Emily. They will be mad at first, but they will come around. I will always be by your side. I'll never leave you. Now please don't stress about this or anything else, it's not good for our baby." He smiles, instantly easing my worries. He's right, we are going to be a family soon. I have him, he's all I need, well him and our baby. I can't believe I'm having a baby with the love of my life. "Your right. Who do you think we should tell the good news to first?" I say smiling. He kisses me and hugs me tight. "I say Emily, she will be more likely to understand then your father, plus he still isnt back from his business trip." "Ok baby, tonight? Get it over with?" I say. "Tonight baby." He agrees. "I love you." "I love you more baby girl."

My best friend's dadWhere stories live. Discover now