Truths out.

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"So you get to leave the hospital today. I'm so happy we dont have to be here anymore and I'm even more happy that our baby is okay." Hunter has been glowing all day. He's so handsome and sweet, I can't get enough of him. "Yeah, I'm happy too, I just wish that I had a best friend still." I've been down about the incident the day before yesterday, but I've been trying not to let it upset me to much, for the baby sake. "She will come around baby, she just needs some time." He rubs my shoulders. "Yeah, I sure hope so. So could we stop and get a milkshake before you take me home?" I giggle, as does he, then gets a serious face. "Take you home? You're not going to move in with me now? I thought you might want to, I know I want you to." I shake my head, "Just because I'm having your baby, doesn't mean I have to live with you. I won't live with someone until I'm married or at least engaged, and I'm not expecting that to happen with you. I'm not trying to make you ask either, we are fine how we are. Besides, we can see in eachothers rooms, so it's not like we wont be close. Plus until Emily moves out, I don't want to run into her." He looks sad as I say that, but it's the way I have always felt about that and I won't change that just because I'm pregnant.

He doesn't say anything the whole way to the ice cream parlor or on the way to my house. I'm sure he's mad at me. I get out the car mumble a thank you and go inside and lay on my bed. My dad decided to take some time off of work to be with me, which is nice.

Hunter: im sorry i was so quiet baby, i just want you and our baby to live with me. I want to be there with you as you go through all of these changes about to happen. I dont want to miss anything.

Me: good night hunter

Hunter: good night baby, sleep good, im one call away if you need me. I love you. Xoxo

Me: i love you too

I know I was short with him and very rude, but I'm exhausted, I just want to sleep. So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I don't know how long I'm asleep for but I wake up with multiple texts.

Tyler: hey beautiful! I wanted to see if you changed your mind about going on a date with me?

I roll my eyes at that, I'm not even going to respond. Haven't talked to you in 6 weeks and you want to randomly text me some bullshit, negative buddy.

Emily: you are a fucking slut! I cant wait until i never had to see your skanky face ever again. All you are going to do is hurt my dad and when you do, i will personally beat the shit out of you. So watch your back ex-bestie. This is your only warning. End things with my dad before he gets to attatched to you. He deserves better.

Me: i dont care what you do to me emily, your still my best friend. And im not leaving hunter. Im in love with him and im having his baby! I would never do anything to hurt him.

Emily: see you soon whore.

This is not what I wanted to wake up to. But I have to read the other measages.

Hunter: good morning baby girl, hope you and our baby slept well. I miss you. Xoxo

Hunter: can i see you today? Maybe go get some ice cream or take a walk or both.

Hunter: i guess you are still asleep. Sorry to disturb you. Text me when you get up. If you want to

Hunter: its late afternoon now and im going crazy, please let me know your okay

Hunter: Katelynn im serious. This isnt funny. If your mad at me and dont want to talk to me then thats fine. Just please let me know your okay.

Hunter: im literally 5 damn seconds from coming to your house.

Shit! I need to text him back, I don't want him worried about me, that's not fair to him. But as soon as I'm about to write out a text to send I hear my front door open and slam shut, "KATELYNN!!!!" I open my door and walk into the hall, when he sees me he runs and picks me up kissing me roughly and rubbing his free hand all ober my body. It's turning me on alot right now, I continue to kiss him back pulling at his hair and kissing his neck then lightly nibble on it, I can feel him harden against me, and I want him inside of my so bad right now. These pregnancy hormones are crazy already. "Katelynn baby, that feels amazing, but if you keep doing that I won't be stopping." Thats hot as hell! "I don't want you to stop, I want you inside of me Hunter, now!" I say, begging him. He puts me down to remove my clothes and his as well, then he lifts me back up and lowers me onto his hard shaft, rubs it on my clit for a few minutes to tease me, making me soaking wet. Then standing he has my back pressed against the wall, holding me up by my ass, he enters me. I gasp for air and moan loudly. Holy shit this is more than amazing. "Yes Hunter, right there!" I yell, causeing him to pick up his pace. "God baby, you're so wet, daddy makes you wet baby?" He asks in a rugged sexy voice. I breathlessly answer him, "Yes daddy!!" We both climax multiple times over the next couple hours. I'm glad my dad didn't come home, that would have been embarrassing and would have ruined the mood.

He puts me down retrieving his clothes and handing me mine, "Don't scare me like that again please. I'm sorry that I pissed you off. But your my girlfriend and my baby is inside of you, I have the right to know that you're okay. That wasn't fair Katelynn." I just look at him. "Hunter, I was sleeping. I literally just woke up and read your texts as I heard my from door slam shut. I wasn't mad at you nor was I trying to scare you. I wouldn't do that to you." He looks disappointed in himself, i grab his face, "Don't do that. You have nothing to be disappointed about. I would have done the same thing." I reassure him. "I got a call from the doctor, I missed it of course since I was asleep but they left a message saying they got my an appointment for tomorrow at 10 a.m. if you would like to come with me. As soon as I'm done he agrees, I'm not surprised though, he's excited fir our baby, I am too. I hope he is who I spend the rest of my life with. But I don't want to rush him into anything that he isn't ready for. But if he ever asks me to marry him, there is no way that I wouldn't say yes, he is my dream man.

My best friend's dadWhere stories live. Discover now