4 years later.

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Well its been 4 years since I got away from Hunter and Emma. Nathan and I got married 2 weeks after I was released from the hospital. We have been nothing but happy since the day I got out.

Hunter only got shot in the leg so he went to prison, he got sentenced 30 years for two counts attempted murder and another 10 years for kidnapping. Emma got 10 years for kidnapping. Their baby went into foster care, I don't know what happened to the baby after that.

Nathan became bery protective of me since he got me back. I don't blame him though, I'd be the same way if it were the other way around.

We have 6 beautiful babies together. The twins Liam and Layla who are 4, Lukas who is 3, Lillian who is 2, Lizzy who is 1, and last but not least Landen who is 3 days old. We have been busy clearly. We aren't planning on having any more sweet babies but we also weren't planning on having anymore after the twins either, so im sure there is more to come.

Nathan works alot but he always makes time for his family. I stay stay home with the kids, because lets face it, daycare for 6 kids plus more possibly would be like a house payment, we could afford it but we both would rather I stay with them until at least they are all in school, and then I would only take a part time job.

Emily and I actually reconnected after she found out what her father did to me. She lives next door now with Ben and their kids, I guess Ben changed for her. I'm happy for them, there are no hard feelings between us and all 4 of us are friends. They have a 3 year old named Mackenzie who is absolutely obsessed with Liam, we think they are going ro be eachothers first love. She also has a 1 year old named Shelby, and she is also pregnant, due any day now with their first little boy, his name is going to be Xander.

Life is amazing now and I wouldnt change a thing. I still hate that I lost Elijah, but everything happens for a reason. Nathan actually got him a head stone for our backyard and we had him transferred from the hospital cemetery so all the kids can visit him and play with him.

I can't wait to see where the rest of our lives take us.

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