Our weekend.

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I'm full on crying by the time he asks me, I can't speak. I start nodding my head vigorously and eventually am able to squeek out a 'yes'. He lifts me up hugging me, we are both crying, "I love you Katelynn!" He mumbles in my neck. "I love you Hunter!"

"Can we lay in the sand and look at the stars?" I shyly ask, I'm sure thats a childish thing to want to do, not something a grown man would want to do. But he surprises me, "Of course baby, I already had a blanket layed out so you dont get sand in your hair." "Why are you so perfect? This doesn't feel real." I say. "It's very real baby, you're my life. I'm so happy we are engaged." "I am too Hunter"

We lay under the stars for a little while longer before we head to our room, which happens to be the same room that we made our little nugget in. I'm so exhausted that I fall asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

I'm woken up by our sweet pea making me sick so i rush to the bathroom and close the door harder than I planned. Of course that promts a very dutiful Hunter to rush in freaking out, "Baby! Are you okay?!" Before i can answer I lunge forward again getting sick. Coming up behind me, Hunter rubs my back and holds my hair back. "Go away Hunter, there is no reason for you to see this." He sighs "I'm not going anywhere babe, what do I have to do to prove that."

Back in bed I feel guilty for snapping at Hunter, I didn't mean to and I know that he's not going anywhere and wants to be there for everything. "I'm sorry" I say as tears start falling, damn hormones fucking with me. He brings his thumb up and wipes my tears away "You dont have anything to be sorry about. I know this is hard for you, especially not having Emily around to talk to. But baby, you're not alone, I will always be there. I can't wait to make you my wife and wake up with you all night to care for our baby." "I will try to remember that, I know you're not going anywhere. I just sometimes feel like this is all to good to be true, you know? Except the only thing that's not perfect is I have lost my best friend and caused you to lose your daughter." With my tears falling faster, he pulls me into his chest for a deep hug, calming me. "You didn't cause that baby. Everything will work out and go back to normal, you will see."

"Good morning beautiful, brought you your vitamins, orange juice, and some blueberry muffins"
"Thank you you Hunter. After last night..... well early this morning, I'm soooo hungry!" I give him a kiss and start eating my muffins. "So, I know that you didn't want to move in without being married, but I was hoping that since we are engaged and will get married soon anyways, that you can just go ahead and move in with me?" I can see the hope in his eyes, I wish I wasn't about to crush him. "Hunter, I don't want to get married until after the baby is born, this is going to sound stupid, but I don't want to be fat on my wedding day and I'm sure I dont have much longer until that happens. So, my answer is no. I'm sorry." I can see the devistation in his eyes, then they light up and I'm confused. "What is we got married next week? Think about it, you don't have to compromise what you want and your dad will be in town so he can go. Just a small court house wedding and then after the baby comes we can have a big ceremony." That could actually work..... "okay baby. I'll marry you next week. How about friday? Then we can do a short little weekend honeymoon before you have to go to work." There is so much excitement in his eyes. "That sounds amazing baby. We can go get you a nice dress tomorrow."

We spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed yesterday and now it's time to go shop for a cute dress for friday. I called my dad and told him the news and he's surprisingly excited for it. I'm ao happy that one of the most important people in my life is on board with this. And i know that he's also very grateful that I will have some body by my side to help me raise this baby.

After countless shops looking for a dress, I finally find one that I love! Nothing nearly as fancy as a weddings dress but its casual enough for our ceremony Friday and it could also be worn to church if I wanted to. Beautiful white strappless lacey sundress, also got some white strappy sandals since Hunter doesn't want me wearing heels anymore, he says im clumsy enough as it is. I love that he loves this baby as much as I do, he talks to it every night and kisses my belly all the time. Sometimes when we are driving he will just put his hand on me and rub my belly, makes my heart melt.

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