Daddy's home.

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I woke up the next morning in Emily's bed. Looking at her pale grey walls wondering if last night actually happened, part of me hoped it was real. I mean who wouldn't want a sexy older man hitting on them right? It's kind of forbidden and thinking about having to sneak around is hot! Im pulled out of my thoughts when my phone starts buzzing, except I look down and it's Emily's phone, mine is no where to be found. I get up confused because I went downstairs to get it last night, unless it really was a dream, disappointing but probably for the best.

Making my way down stairs and sure enough my phone is sitting on the couch where I left it. Picking it up I see a text from my dad from 2 hours ago.

Daddy: hey princess! I'll be home early today! Should be there in about 3 hours! Can't wait to see you, I have missed my little girl so much! Love you!

OMG I am so excited! I havent seen my dad in over a month! Holy shit, that was 2 hours ago, I have to go, he will be home in less than a hour. I stop jumping up and down and turn to run upstairs and smack right into a bery sweaty Mr. Williams. "O god! Im so sorry! I-I didn't see you there" I stutter. He laughs, "it's okay Katelynn, I wasn't paying attention either. Why are you jumping up and down anyways? Also, where are your pants?" He asks. I immediately look down and feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment, " o my gosh! I am so sorry! I didnt realize I was in my panties still! This is embarrassing as hell!" I looks down refusing to look up. I notice his shirt is off and I am very surprised to see he is very muscular and has an amazing 6 pack. I have only ever seen him in business suits or sweats around the house. I look up and regret asking, " how do you have abs? Aren't old people supposed to be flabby?" He started laughing hard and says, "Katelynn, I'm only 15 years older than you." Shocked I ask, "How!" "Well" he says, "Emily's mother and I were only 15 when she was born." "Holy shit! I knew you were younger than my dad but I didn't realize you were only 33! You act so mature!" "Well that happens when you have a baby girl to take care of on your own." He says. "Right. Oh crap! I have to go, my dad will be home soon! Bye! Thank you again!!" I say hugging him lightly and running upstairs. Throwing my shorts on, i bolt out the door just as my dad is pulling up.

"Daddy!!!!" I scream as I run and jump in his arms. "I've missed you so much!" "Oh baby girl, I have to, you have no idea!" He says as he squeezes me back. "Ice cream?" He asks. I nod and we get in the car and head to our favorite place The Crazy Dip, absolutely the best homemade ice cream ever!

"So, has anything new happened while I was gone?" He asks, honestly interested in my life. It's nice to have him care so much. "Yes actually, I brokenup with Ben about a month ago because I caught him sleeping with my now ex friends, Stacey and Michelle..... at the same time, might I add." His mouth drops and as hes about to say something I interrupt, " But I'm over it. He was a loser anyways. I can do better. I think I have a crush on someone, but he's older than me, so I doubt anything will happen, he probes doesnt even see me like that." Leaving out that that person is Emily's father. My father, being the suppotive dad that he is, says, "Oh honey, age is just a number. Doesn't mean anything. Plus you act more mature than your age. Be bold, make a move, you never know what good could come of it." "What if I make a fool of myself though? And what if it ruins my friendship?" I ask. "Well if this older guy makes you happy, then your friend should be happy for you and it wont ruin anything. Also, you wont make a fool of yourself, I'm sure he feels the same way, maybe he just doesn't know how you feel about him being older and he's waiting on you to make the first move. You're r a beautiful young woman, anyone would be lucky to have you." I smile as my father builds up my confidence in myself. "You're right daddy! Thank you so much!"

We spent the reat of the day catching up, it was amazing. I've missed him so much. But unfortunately, he is going back out of town in a few days, and he doesn't know how long it will be for this time. "Honey, see if Emily and her father will come for dinner tonight please, I need to ask him something." "Yea sir!"

Me: girl! My dad wants to talk to your dad about something...... will yall come to dinner tonight around 7?

Emiy: of course we will girl! See you tonight!!

"Dad! They will be here tonight." I called from my room. "Thank you sweet heart! I'll start dinner, go ahead and get ready." I go jump in the shower and then blow dry my hair and grab a cute skirt and spaghetti strap tank top. I look cute as hell! I decide to straighten up my room while I wait for Emily and her dad to arrive. I feel someone staring at me and I look out my window and see Mr. Williams, but he wasn't looking this way. I hope he didn't accidentally see me get dressed..... I really need to learn to close my blinds. Next thing I know, the doorbell rings. Yay!!! They are here! Wonder what my dad needs to talk to Mr. Williams about.

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