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I decided to let Hunter tell Emily that she was going to have a little brother soon. We expected her to be excited since she forgave us and moved back in with us, but we were wrong. She didn't take the news well at all, in fact she disappeared right after he told her and we haven't heard from her in a week. I decided to go walk around town and of course buy some baby stuff. We thought it would be best if we just bought everything we need for the baby gradually instead of having a baby shower. Not many people around town are supportive of our marriage or our son, I wish it were different but that's life in a judgement filled town. We actually discussed moving so we can get away from all of the negativity, but we can't discuss it seriously without Emily since we want her to come with us. I decide to take a turn down an abandoned dirt road I used to run all the time. I see a random car just sitting there but from this distance I can't see anyone inside it so I figure it's abandoned and keep on.

As I get closer to the car i see it moving, curiosity gets the best of me and I go see what's going on. I peek in the window to see non other than Emily getting railed by my ex, Ben. I stand there in shock, unable to move. It's not like I'm jealous, because come on my husband is dripping sexy and Ben is ...... well Ben. I don't think I ever really loved him, just loved the idea of love. But it does hurt my heart that Emily would do this, not to me but to herself. She knows that Ben cheated on me with 2 of our supposed friends. She was so angry at him for the way he treated me, I don't understand this.

I don't know how long I've been standing here staring at them but I'm pulled from my thoughs when Ben says somthing "Sup whore? How's being knocked up by your beaties daddy?" He bursts out laughing, I just look at him and cross my arms not covering my son from him from embarrassment, but shielding him in a way from Ben's negative comments. He looks at my hand and his eye widen and turns to Emily "Damn Em, you didn't tell me she married your dad! God this is priceless! How much of a slut do you have to be to throw yourself at her dad then have the audacity to marry him and become her step mother!" Emily stays silent and I look at her "You really think this low of yourself? To sleep with someone who cheated on me with two of our friends? He's not faithful Em, he's just going to hurt you." She snaps out of her daze "Katelynn, you honestly think that they were the only ones riding him? That's hilarious! He started sleeping with me before you and him even got together and we just never stopped. I knew they were going to be there that night, we planned it so we could hurt you." I start tearing up and mutter out "why would you do that to me?" She scoffs "I saw the way you and my dad have been eye fucking eachother since you moved to town! So I asked Ben to ask you out to get back at you. I knew it was a matter of time before you fucked him."  I stop crying and realize that she's not worth my tears, neither of them are. So I just say "Back fired on you Em, I would have never attempted anything with your dad if Ben never got caught." Her face drops in realization that she caused this and I turn and walk away.

Hunter: hey sexy wife of mine, hows your walk going?

Me: oh you know the usual, cause emily fucking my ex ben, and found out she was sleeping with him before we got together and they continued throughout our relationship and that they planned the night that i caught out 2 friends fucking him. Said it was revenge for me eye fucking you sonce i moved here.

Me: hows your day?


Me: because how can i be mad at something that brought me to you which gave us our sweet baby boy? That night opened up the best life possible for me.

Hunter: yea i didnt think of it like that, love the logic babe

Me: come home?

Hunter: be there in 20

When I get home I decide to take a nice warm bath to relax myself, 5 minutes in there is a tap on the door. "Come in baby" Hunter opens the door and smiles at me and gives me a kiss "want some company sweetie?" I move forward "do you even have to ask?" He removes his clothes and climbs in behind me and I lean back on him and close my eyes, this is the most relaxed I've been since I can remember. "What do you think about Elijah Cole Williams?" I turn my head to see him smiling with nothing but love in his eyes. "It's perfect love" he kisses my neck. I look down at my growing bump and say "No matter what happens you will always be the light of my life and my reason for living, you are the best thing to happen to tour daddy and I. We love you so much Elijah Cole and we are so excited to meet you." We sit in comfortable silence until the water gets cool.

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