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It's currently 8 am, I don't know what time Nathan is coming for me, but I haven't been to sleep all night. Im so anxious to get out of here.

11 am rolls around and I have lost hope that he will come get me. Maybe he doesn't want me or our baby.  I will be stuck here forever, god knows what will happen to my baby.

4 pm now, still nothing. I haven't even recieved a text from him. I refuse to believe that Nathan won't come, he's a great man, he wouldn't leave his baby in a dangerous situation.

Just then I hear a bunch of sirens and I run to the window to see 15 police cars and Nathan's car outside. He came for me!!!! Hunter plows through my door yelling. "WHAT DID YOU DO YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I just stand there smiling. Emma comes in and slaps me "YOU'RE GOING TO RUIN MY LIFE YOU CUNT!" Even with my face stinging all I can do is smile, accidentally I lay my hands on my baby bump and Hunter notices. "Oh so you did go and get knocked up slut. Don't worry, it will be dead soon, I refuse to give you a happy ending with him!" He pulls out a gun as I hear the officers bust down the door and head upstairs. I hear Nathan calling my name "KATELYNN! I'M HERE BABY!" I smile but I'm so scared they won't get to me in time before he kills my baby. Next thing I know I see Nathan behind Hunter and I smile. Hunter turns to see why I smiled, seeing Nathan made him turn and shoot me in the stomach. I tried to more out of the way, but I wasn't fast enough.

I hear another gun shot as I fall to the ground clinging to my baby, it didn't hit me so I can only assume the police shot Nathan. Nathan is by my side seconds later putting pressure on my belly, "baby, stay with me, ill do everything i can to make sure you're safe." He kisses my forehead and I black out hearing him yell "We need an ambulance! Shes's pregnant!"

I hear beeping all around and I open my eyes, I'm in a hospital. It wasn't a dream! Nathan got me out! I look around and see him asleep in the chair next to me with his head on my bed holding my hand. I'm so happy this is finally over, and suddenly I remember, Hunter took our baby from us. I start crying, waking Nathan up "Katelynn! You're awake!" He rushes out the doors and I can head him saying something frantically and I am swarmed with doctors.

30 minutes later. "Baby I thought I wouldn't see you again! I'm so happy you're okay love!" He bends down to kiss me and tears start rolling down my face, he pulls away "What's the matter baby?" I sniffle and say "He killed our baby Nathan" he starts smiling which pisses me off "How can you fucking smile when our baby is head because of that ass...." before I can finish he says "He missed." I don't think I heard him right "What?" I cry. "Our baby is fine, well our twins are fine. He and she are safe and healthy." I am so relieved I barely hear the last part, then it clicks... "Twins? He and she?" Nathan just keeps smiling. "Yes baby. Twins. One boy. One girl." I lunge forward and wrap my arms around his neck, "I love you Nathan!" "I love you too baby girl."

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