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I decided that I was going to go surprise Ben at school. It's been 3 weeks since I have gotten to see him since he's so busy with college and all, so I figured I'd distract him for a while. Before I head out, I text Emily to let her know I'll be gone for the night, in case she looks outside and sees that my car is gone.

Me: just wanted to let you know that im going to visit Ben at school, so i wont be home tonight

Emily: mkay girl, get some ass! God knows you need the dick!

Me: EMILYY!!!!

Emily: what? I just knkw its been a long ass time, like what 4 months? Girl your vibrator is gonna break! Haha

Me: i dont even want to know how you know ive been using my vibrator that much!

Emily: did you forget that your bed is like in perfect view of dads bedroom? Haha! I walked in one night while he was in the shower and happened to look over and saw you going to town lol
Fyi your sex face is pretty hot! Lol!

Me: OMG!!!!! I hope your dad didnt see anything! That would be so embarrassing! I really need to close my damn curtains sometimes!

Emily: girl you know that if he saw then he wouldnt say anythkng to embarrass you, he would pretend he didnt see anything. You know hes cool as fuck!

Me: true! But still. Well im gonna head out. See you tomorrow night!

Emily: drive safe boo, love ya!

I head out the door with a overnight bag packed. Im wearing this short black flowy skirt and a pink and purple plaid buttom up shirt. Trying to be "naught school girl" like. Hopefully he will want to have sex, it was been ENTIRELY to long! For the last 4 months he hasnt wanted to have sex with me, he says its cause of all the stress at school that he just doesn't think about it. Which I understand, I guess, but I also feel like it would help relieve some of his stress.

Finally after a long ass drive, I pull up outside his university. I check my hair and makeup in the mirror and do some touch ups and get out. Walking up the stairs to his dorm room, I get this uneasy feeling in my stomach. I go to knock on the door but notice that it's open, so I head in. I start hearing loud moaning, and i laugh "probably his room mate, Timmy" I mumble. Ben always says how Timmy has a different girl every night lol. I walk to his room only to realize the sound was coming from his room! Im furious, how could Timmy use Ben's room to fuck some girl? That's disrespectful as hell! So I slam open the door about to yell at him, when my heart drops in my stomach, and tears burning my cheecks. "Ben?" Suddenly the 3 notice me, yes,3. One girl riding his dick and the other sitting on his face, both moaning loudly. I recognize the girls but I cant focus theougb my tears to see who they are. "How could you?" I barely get out through my suddenly dry throat. All of them jump up when they look at the door and finally see me. "Katelynn, darling! What are you doing here?!" He says, surprised. I feel my blood boiling and I snap. " WHAT AM I, YOUR GIRLFRIEND, DOING HERE?!?!?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH.." my voice tras off when my tears are dry and I look at the girls to motion to them, when I notice they were 2 of mine and Emily's friends, Stacey and Michelle. My mouth drops open and I'm at a loss for words. I feel humiliated and broken, i just turn and run out. He doesn't bother chasing me, he knows I am done woth him, and once I make my mind up, thats it. No changing it.

I get to my car and I'm numb. I drive home, get out and look at my very dark house and decide to go to Emily's instead. I got to unlock the door but of course I cant find her key in my bag, so I knock on the door hoping someone is home. The door opens and I see Mr. Williams, Emily's dad, standing there "baby! Its good to see-" he stops, noticing my dried mascara runs down my face and puffy eyes. He panics " o my god baby, are you okay? Did someone hurt you? I'll kill th-" I stop him feeling embarrassed and just needing my friend, I lie. "No sir, I uhhh..... ran over a cat" coming out more as a question. Luckily he doesn't push the subject, "Emily's in her room baby, go on up, stay as long as you need" I smile and say thank you as I run up the stairs.

I open her door and she jumps, I'm sure I scared her, its easy to do, she's jumpy. "Katelynn! You scared the shit out of me! What were you think... wait what's wrong? Why are you crying? You were supposed to be at Bens! What happened?" She questioned me. I stop her "I walked in on him fucking 2 girls. And thats not even the worst part..." "WHAT!!!!! THAT SON OF A BITCH! IM GONNA KICK HIS FUCKING ASS! Wait..... how is that not the worst part?" I pause, feelimg ashamed that I couldnt keep my boyfriend happy, that I wasn't enough, whats wrong with me? "He was fucking Stacey and Michelle" I admit. We both just stare at eachother in silence, her mouth open, similar to how I'm sure I looked when I saw them. She then hugs me tight and runs down stairs and returning a few seconds later with a big tub of ice cream and funny movies. I change into some of her pajamas and wash my face. She knows I need a laugh, so we sit on her bed and eat ice cream and watch funny movies, laughing our asses off all night.

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