First time.

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I am oddly not nervous to go to Hunter's room, I feel completely comfortable with him. I wear my matching see through lilac lace thong with matching bra. Over that I wear his sleeveless workout shirt that I accidentally on purpose put in my bag instead of his and a pair of very short shorts, but his shirt is so big on me you can't see my shorts anyways. I go brush my teeth again and walk quickly to his room and knock.

"Hello there beautiful, I see you found my shirt." He smirks at me. "I figured I'd bring it back to you, but you'll have to take it off of me to get it back" I tease. "I'll be glad to take it off of you baby, but you can keep it. It looks way better on you than me. Plus, it's nice seeing you in my clothes. I hope to see it more often." He smiles, "you want to come inside?" I look around and realize that we haven't made it in his room yet, Emily could have walked out at any time. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize we hadn't gone in yet." I say moving inside his room. "So, do you want to talk or watch a movie or anything you want to do really is fine with me," he stammers, I can tell he's nervous and it's so freaking cute. Instead of answering him, I pull his face gently down to mine and kiss his amazing soft lips and moan slightly as the fire I feel inside me erupts all over my body. That must have turned him on because I felt him harden against my stomach and as soon as it did, he lifted me up and turned me so he could pin my back to the wall.

He trails kisses from my lips to my ears, lightly nibbling on my lobes, moving down my neck biting softly causing me to moan more, which causes him to come back to my lips and kiss me harder. Everything about this man turns me on to no end. As he moves back to look at me, I take advantage and start kissing and biting his neck as well, remembering that he liked it at the beach, causing him to moan. Hearing him moan makes me even more wet than I already was. While he is still holding me up against the door, I remove his shirt from my body. "Holy shit baby, you keep doing this and I'll have to take you right here." He breathlessly says. "Thats fine with me Mr. Williams" I wink at him. He stops and says seriously, "We are not doing this right here against the door, later on, yes for sure because this is hot as hell. But our first time together will be done right, in my bed and I will make sure you enjoy every second of it. This isn't about you pleasuring me, I want to pleasure you. I want to ruin you for any other man." His confession turns me on more and makes my heart skip a beat, this is so sweet.

He carries me to the bed kissing me lightly, once we reach the bed he gently lays me down, he removes his shirt revealing his perfectly sculpted abs. He then gently removes my shorts rubbing his hands along my legs he kisses up each one reaching my thong. He kisses on too on them and then gently removes them kissing back up my legs but this time he doesn't stop once he reaches me he starts to lick me. Driving me insane, I've never moaned so much before. I reach my climax 3 times by the time he stops, I am so worn out but I still want more. He climbs on top of me and starts kissing me more then stops looking into my eyes, "Are you sure you want to do this? If your not okay with this then we can stop, I wont be mad," before he keeps rambling on I kiss him to stop him and say, "I want you Hunter, I have for a while, I just never thought I would be lucky enough." "No" he says, "I'm the lucky one"

We continue kissing for a while longer and then he starts rubbing his hard on, on my entrance while staring at me, like he's asking for approval, I nod and  smile. He slides in causeing me to immediately climax again. He is much larger than I was expecting, but he feels amazing! I never want this to end, this entire day has been perfect, he is perfect. "You feel amazing baby, I never want to stop," "then don't" I say breathlessly. We climax together multiple times together before we can't do anymore. "I'm surprised you could cum that many times like that." He laughs, "It was only twice baby. Thats about all I can do for a little while, although you could still get me hard now, but it would take a while before I could cum again." I stand up, "This was amazing, but I think I should head back to my room." I say disapointingly, I honestly don't want to leave, I want to continue to lay with him all night, but it's probably a bad idea.

"Please don't leave, I would love if you could stay here tonight. I'll figure something out if Emily finds out. Please baby?" He begs, which is adorable. "How could I say no to you?" I giggle and climb back into bed with this perfect man. I look up at him, "That was more amazing than I dreamed it would be." "It was for me too baby." He kisses me one last time as we fall asleep in eachothers arms. This was the best night of my life, I really hope it wasn't just a one time thing.m, but if it was, then I'll have to live with that and I'll have this amazing night forever engraved in my head and heart.

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