Sringara rasa -the devine love. .

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    It was the mid month of the spring season, which was the golden age in history of karnataka during 6th century. ..

   Sun had fallen in  to the mountain peaks , letting the moon shine to peep out indicating the impending  dusk...

      The windy breeze took the chance to tease the trees to tickle and they giggled. Consequently,  the flowers  fell over the royal path of the princess fort  like an  extraordinary flower carpet  as though they welcome someone very special. ..

    Drenching to the  moon light, a silhouette on horse rode towards the fort entrance alongside the thungabhadra river. ..

  The horse was racing as though she had understood her master 's urgency well. ..

  " easy neela. .."

He spoke softly. ..attending his command, Neela slowed down. ..

  Shravan aka shiv Pandav Vikramadhitya, the emperor of the vast Chalukian dynasty fondly stroked her neck. ..He jumped down and let  neela to have some water in the river. ..

" neela. ..we are only some minutes apart. ..shall we go. .?"

   Neela neighed and nodded her head. ...

    Yes, all through these years the relationship between them grew bolder. ..neela had been his shadow no matter where he was. ..

     With a pleasing smile, shravan approached neela. ..His smile was competing with the moon shine. ..on the brilliant  milky white moon shine , shravan looked like a manmatha _the god of love and the most beautiful man in the world. ..

    The  sandal coloured silk angavastra  tied around his waist charmed him to his position of the emperor. ..His shoulders were powerful and his arms rippled with muscles that flexed with his every movement. .

    .His face was chiselled in clear lines added with moustache. ..a rope of lustrous pearls round his neck vied with the sparkle of the scars he had in the bare chest that he possess of the battles he fought with. ..

   Years made him to be  handsome yet strong. ..He had encountered so many bitter war fields to expand his dynasty. ..He was swirling like a wind through his duties as an emperor. ..Amidst all the odds his love for suman rose by time to time ...He had to stay  away from her for political issues every now and then. ..

     It was one such moment when shravan went to attend an  administrators court at the farthest village of his dynasty. Being an  responsible ruler, shravan didn't want to miss out anything that happens in his dynasty. hence, it was crucial for him  to reach the far and wide of the  vast Kingdom. ..

  A week separation from his beloved wife made him to be exausted at certain point and he chose to return immediately. ..though the ministers refused his idea of returning at night, he started at once all alone with neela. ..

    His mind raced, past the time to suman who would be waiting for his arrival. ..

As he reached the fort entrance, his face glistened like a diamond. .the enthusiasm to meet suman flushed over his veins rapidly. ..

  The guard who stood  at the entrance was alarmed to see a horse approaching the fort. ..after  the litted bronze lamps, he understood that it was neela. ..

" neela. .? "

After seeing her, the guard was alert and opened the massive wooden latches. ..

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