The End of the dream...

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     The morning star winked at Vijaya Simhan...far away,he could see the peak of the Gowriparvat that sneaked into the clouds...

  However, this morning wouldn't be the same as it progress towards the dusk....The man eating vultures would feast around the fallen men...It was nature's rule..The war would fill it's tummy irrelevant to the success or fall.... His stone heart goosepumped to imagine the battlefield , adorned with blood curdling yells and mourns...He could feel the heat of emotion...

He clenched his eyes tightly and shook his head at next moment...

   As the dawn bloomed, the soldiers geared up for the busiest day...The commando explained the plan to the fellow soldiers. He bent at Vijaya Simhan, requesting his permission to proceed with...

" Senapathi...have you discussed the plan with our soldiers...?"

He inquired...

The commando nodded slightly...

" Your majesty...I have made half of the elephant battalion and cavalry men to be with you...I will be there at the other side of the narrow valley. Once you give orders, I will charge Vela from that side...until then, we will be at the forest ,hiding ourselves..."

  Vijaya Simhan smiled satisfactorily...

" That's ready to sacrifice your life if need be...hara hara mahadev..."

With the cheerful war mode, the senapathi left to the other side of the narrow valley...

Vijaya Simhan observed the soldiers who were in position to charge...

There was no any necessity of brilliant tactics as he probably predicted his victory in the, he gave a general positive talk to his crew....

  They waited until the senapathi cross the valley and hide  in the forest...

Soon, Vijaya Simhan blew the conch...Bugles and drums shattered the silence of the morning to signal the commencement of the battle.. As he blew the conch , every soldier focused at the exit of the narrow valley and awaited for Vela like a long deprived tigers....

  Strangely, there was no one coming out of the valley even after a long wait. Instead, there was an ear splitting sound from behind...

Vijaya Simhan looked back baffled...

There were hundreds of elephants with archery men approaching them from the backside.. perhaps they would've lurked in the jungle long before...

  Vijaya Simhan looked keenly and shocked to see Bhanu and Ranjit leading the crew...

Bhanu...?! Ranjit..?!how could it be possible..?

He wasn't coming out of shock... quickly his mind insisted him to attack them...

He was about to give orders to his soldiers to turn back and fight with Bhanu and Ranjit...

Bhanu and Ranjit were nearing the crew slowly...

  Why aren't they moving fast...?!?! something seems strange...!!!!

Vijaya Simhan's senses alarmed him...he didn't had time to think even...

At a  considerable distance Bhanu and Ranjit stopped... Ranjit gestured his soldiers..

Momentarily,  their elephants made strange noise that literally created madness over the opponents... Those elephants were trained to create high pitched cry which was a mere discomfort for the animals...


The elephants and horses went crazy and they began to run aimlessly... obviously, the narrow valley was the only way they had to escape..

The cavelry men or elephant battalion were unable to control the animals and they fell in their own trap...

As the valley is too narrow, the elephants  and the horses couldn't pass it so easily...In addition, Bhanu and Ranjit continued their attack from behind...

Bhanu and Ranjit didn't want to leave a chance to the opponent.They clashed with the retreating soldiers like a tidal wave...

Thus, Vijaya Simhan's army entered into the narrow valley unexpectedly...



   Vijaya Simhan had no time to think and act..he misjudged the situation actually..

He was drawn by the destiny towards the narrow valley along with his an ant row..

Suddenly, there was a rain of arrows struck from atop...

Vijaya Simhan looked up and his mouth opened wide with shock...On either side of the mountains , there were archery side crew was headed by guruji and the other side crew was led by vela....

I thought the snowy ridged mountains would be hard to handle and I chose the plain to engage...but, they chose the hardest one to win easily...

Vijaya Simhan ordered to fight back...

Alas!!!! Their javelin and arrows swung back as they couldn't reach the high mountain ...gravity played it's role as well...

But, Vijaya Simhan's men were easy targets from atop...

No one could do anything other than rushing to the other side of the narrow valley...

Senapathi is at the plain...he would be the saviour...!!!!

Vijaya Simhan believed so ....and his hope went to null when he reached the plain....

Everybody in their life had a dream...and,one would strive to achieve the dream...

Vijaya Simhan's dream was almost at the end when he realized the truth....



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