The stepstone of the curse

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    "Bahardar... we are sorry..
But, kayal was disturbed... please tell us... who's he...?and where he is now..?"

   Kavin asked humbly... He was looking at parvatheshwar keenly...

Parvatheshwar sat on the rock beside the hut... Kayal stepped towards him and leaned her head at his lap.... parvatheshwar raffled her head fondly...

   He could sense her restlessness and her body was shivering...

She was crying..!!!!?? But...why...?

"Kayal...why  you are crying my child...?"

He asked with concern...

" Nanna...past two days were not served him like a respected admired the end of the day , what you have done to him...? It was unbelievable and now where have you left him..? Please nanna....I have so much respect on you...I can't accept with what you have done...for godsake ,tell me.. what's going on..?"

Parvatheshwar exhaled deeply...

" me...I have not done anything wrong..and he's at par the supremacy as far as I am concerned.. he's in need of our help at present...I have done the best that suits the situation..."

Kayal looked up her nanna and averted her eyes to Kavin....

Kavin was confused even more...he exchanged the same with kayal..

"You did your best....?"

Her sarcastic question pierced parvatheshwar....

He stood up as though the conversation was over....

"Kayal... you have to learn to trust me.... and, be ready to obey my orders at and Kavin are my best choices  to help him with his mission..."

He went inside the hut , gesturing Kavin to take care of her...

Kayal's doubts grew  higher... Her entrust on her nanna was real... The thing was, why he's not sharing anything about the newcomer...yet, his seriousness and cautious talks made Kayal to believe him blindly

   " Kavin... let's accept nanna's order...I believe him...he will do everything for good..."

Kavin nodded....He was ready to do anything to be with kayal ...


  Brihannala cleaned the wound and anointed the medicated turmeric....

  Vijaya Simhan was sitting like a statue without exhibiting the pain...

"Maharaj...I am feeling shouldn't have hurted you..."

She said slowly...

Vijaya Simhan inhaled the turmeric scent....

"Brihannala...this is the time to rejoice not to feel sad....I won't get any apt time to defeat shiv... call the senapathi...we have to march towards the mighty kingdom of Shiv..."

His victory vision shone on his eyes..

"But... Maharaj...the Empress is here...and I heard that, Shiv is not in the kingdom... moreover, please wait until the wound heals"

   "Brihannala....I am happy that you care about me..but...time and tide wait for none... Shiv is not in his kingdom... infact, if I create a war cry now , shiv won't reach the battlefield on time...useless old man guruji would do nothing with the soldiers who lack the efficient leader...I will conquer his kingdom in a wink...I will kill Shiv then... he's almost half without his lady and without prowess he's none..."

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