The tale of revenge..

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    "You made your dear friend... you made our friendship proud..."

  Excited, Vijaya Simhan embraced marthanda varma...

   Bounded by his word , Varma moved restlessly...

  " Vijaya Simha.....I am done with the word that I have given you... henceforth, we are only friends...take a note...if Suman is humiliated in any way , I would be the first person to raise sword against friendship would stand between us...I will visit suman whenever I feel so... she's like my daughter...I leave samrutha here...."

  Without bothering his shock, varma left the palace .... His heavy foot steps clearly told his displease....

  Vijaya Simhan knew Varma to be a meek person always stand at the side of dharma.. it was still a query how he had accepted to kidnap Suman...

  Vijaya Simhan shrugged carelessly... varma's reaction and his warning was not going to make any changes in his attitude...

   He merrily walked towards suman's personal chamber....

He was eager to meet her..he wanted to know ...why his cousin jayasimhan fought and died for her...

  Even Brihannala wanted to know the reason behind Vijaya Simhan's excitement...she paced fast with him...

   As Vijaya Simhan reached close to the chamber,  silk layered cushion bed fell on his feet... followed ,the bronze lamp...carved utensils...swung at air..

He had to move simultaneously to save him from getting hurt...he was about to step in...

  " Dare not to keep them again in this chamber...if so, I will throw you out"

A smile crept over his lips to hear Suman....

  He  stood in front of her , folding his arms... He gauged her from top to toe...

  His lips curled up with cruel...

Suman's eyes were burning...her face was glistening like the Eastern sun... she held her face erect asif she's ready to battle...

The next moment, Vijaya Simhan started to was like a monster's howl from the hell...he pounded his chest while laughing...the very walls reverberated the laugh...

  Brihannala stepped back in scare...she hadn't been to the same situation earlier... The guards outside were watching the prince with agape...

  Samrutha  took a step forward to Suman...her hands were at the hilt of the sword...

  ". Don't ever think that I will your smartness to the poor eunuch...not to me...if you really dare...bring me a sword and will know really who am I..."

Suman's  blazing words hit Vijaya Simhan...

" Wah...I like the way you welcomed me...the warrior's method of welcoming..."

Her attitude and courage amazed him...

  He nodded subsequently...

" Bravo...I have never seen such a gorgeous woman....I like your, I understood why jayasimhan lost his life for you..."

His eyes were moist...

   Unclear ideas knotted at suman...

" Who are you..? How you are related to jayasimhan..?"

Her voice came out determined...

Vijaya Simhan let out a deep sigh...

  He cleared his throat....

Suman - The Warrior Empress. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now