The messenger of death

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  The soldiers followed Vijaya Simhan with determination. Their swords and shields clattered as they walked...

Vijaya Simhan never thought even in his dreams that he would be betrayed by the fate ..

Until recently , he believed that shiv was his only mighty foe. And, all through his life he strove to defeat him.Now, even his commando and the old man has become a menace..

He inhaled the smell of the forest blooms and wet red earth...

He forgot about the life he, he was running ahead of him only to save his dynasty..

He didn't mind to get help from his neighbourhood kingdoms...He had come accross so many tight situations, even more than that..

His biggest relief was that he had shipped shravan somewhere... Bhanu and Ranjit were at Malayalam as prisoners...It won't be a tough job to handle Vela...

Even though, he wasn't in a position to be a sitting duck for vela. hence, he had sent spies in and around his dynasty to  gather enough informations...

  Travelling towards the middle from south wasn't that much easy..By the time Vijaya Simhan reached close to Badami,the winter has begun...

   His soldiers started to feel weak with the frozen ,needle prick coldness..Lack of  adequate food supplies and non-stop travers declined their mental prowess..

Vijaya Simhan had to keep them engaged with the bravery stories of their forefathers...

  Honestly, Vijaya Simhan was a warrior...He had won so many wars  without great military or tactical  superiority...

   At the moment, Vijaya Simhan and his crew were waiting at the outskirts of Badami....

  He looked at the sky thoughtfully... The dark , shadowy sky resembled the cloudy thoughts of Vijaya Simhan..

  Why am I feeling emptied..? Why do I feel like I am going to be a null...?

He couldn't justify his own thoughts...He walked across the trees to vent himself...

His face showed a satisfied smile when he heard the sound of rumbling leaves far away...

They are coming!!!!!

  He was right... He could see hundreds of elephant battalion, and the infantry with heavy clubs and swords..

The soldiers stopped at reasonable distance, the Commander came front and bowed to Vijaya Simhan...

" Long live Badami...! long live your reputation...! Your majesty...!!!As you have sent the message, I have brought the skill full soldiers with me through our secret tunnel..."

A smile rolled over Vijaya Simhan's lips...

The advent of the fellow soldiers  spreaded enthusiasm over the crew...

" Hara hara mahadev..."

"Hara hara mahadev!!"

The cheerful roar hit the sky...

  Nodded happily , Vijaya Simhan went inside the canopy with the commanders...

" Senapathi.... what's the status around Badami?"

He inquired...

The senapathi cleared his throat and began to talk...

" Maharaj...!!!I don't see much infantry or elephant battalion... The enemy's soldiers are not more comparatively...I have noticed a senapathi named Vela... they didn't bring any archery machines or chariots like goods carrier...with this,I think they don't have reserved food supplies and weapons... but, why he  had surrounded Badami ? That too,  with very less soldiers and armours...!?!?! He made his soldiers to stand around the fort..he didn't even notice us moving from the fort...I don't think they are mightier than us...with in seconds , we would crush them..we were waiting for your orders your majesty...!!!"

   Vijaya Simhan laughed louder...

" Senapathi...I know vela is nothing in front of me...I have almost discarded Shiv and his, get me a canvas..."

He ordered to bring a canvas...he spreaded it on the table and had drawn  a rough line...

" Look here... This is the narrow valleys of snowy ridge mountains... beyond that was the wide open plains...this is where we are going to engage with Vela... Vela is now at outskirts of Badami in a  reachable distance from the open plain...we will wait at the opposite side of the  valley for him ...if we call for the war from there, he  would try to cross the narrow valley..he may not cross the valley quickly as it is too the time, some of us should attack him from the backside that is from the open the other side of the narrow valley,I will be there...he may not be able to retreat even...he will be butchered one will remain alive...!!!!"

He bellowed wildly...and his energy passed to the soldiers... They shouted in ecstasy...

The sky thundered asif it patronized their roar...Then , it began to down pour heavily sybolizing the forthcoming victory...



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