The cursed brilliance...

441 54 57

       Ranjit stepped back and viwed Malla from top to bottom...

  His eyes fixed at his crutches and his lips curled in to a wry laugh...

He gestured bhanu to forward...

Malla looked Suman squarely...his eyes were neither scared nor disrespectful...

He extended his arms, stood as a barrier to reach the boat...Added, he untied the boat to the waves in a wink...The boat danced with the tides and got away from the coast ...

Ranjit was annoyed beyond the control...

" You idiot... I thought to leave you considering your age and deformity...even I don't like to fight with weak people like you...but,you irritated me much..."

Yelling at him, Ranjit walked towards Malla with the drawn sword....

The very next moment, Malla left his crutches and pushed Ranjit at his chest with his all energy ...

  Ranjit coughed and fell  to  the sand  as the blow was good enough to weaken his strength...

  Bhanu was surprised and her anger rose, as no one dared to touch Ranjit...

She caught Ranjit's sword in one hand and clutched the shield at the other hand...

Though Malla was not armoured,his energy was abundance than they thought... Bhanu didn't want any trouble in securing, she stepped towards him cautiously...

  " No one dared to touch Ranjit Singh...the companion of shiv Pandav vikramadhitya....who the hell are you...? No matter who you are , I am going to tear you apart...."

Outrageous, Bhanu threw the sword at his sides continuously...

Surprisingly, Malla backtracked at necessary places  effortlessly, avoiding the strike...and gave a blunder strike at Bhanu's wrist... The sword fell away as her hold loosened..

   Bhanu looked at Malla with blood shot eyes...

Malla jerked his shoulders...his smile was glistening as he had achieved something....

Bhanu nodded repeatedly...she began to attack him with the shield...

Even now, not even a single time the shield touched Malla...

Unexpectedly, he moved to her and held her hands at back and tied them with the rope which they forgot to notice...

   Malla sped to Ranjit and tied his hands too....he touched a particular point at his chest and just then, his breathing was easy...he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes in tired...

  "Malla... you have crossed your limits... you can't do anything beyond me..."

Shouting at him, Suman took her dagger....

Malla respectfully bent in front of her...

" are right.. I can't fight with you or hurt you....but, if it is necessary I won't hesitate to tie your hands and will get you back to the Riverside palace..."

He threw a determined look at her...

Suman wasn't afraid...she flung her dagger pointing Malla's neck...

Without breaking a step, Malla pulled Bhanu's shield forward in the path of the knife... with the knife safely bouncing off the shield, Malla effortlessly clipped the shield to his back, maintaining his pace towards suman...

Suman - The Warrior Empress. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now