Waves of alternating joy and sorrow...

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   Shravan entered suman's chamber and found her folding his plain angavastra...he walked to her...his slow gait told his inner turmoil..

The chamber was decorated with glistening precious stones and the finely grafted pillars were adorned with wild flowers...the extra fragrance that was anointed  over the muslin clothes created a thought that he was standing in devalokha...

    Jasmine scented lights filled the exotic aroma and brilliance around the corner.... The* akhil fog that arose from the corner... all in all,the chamber resembled a mayalokha created by* Mayan,the devine architect...

This very splendid aura wasn't enough to uplift his mood... his face was dull and his enchanting smile was missing...

   He sat at the  chair that was layered with silky smooth cushions ...

   letting out a deep sigh,he called her...


She didn't turned ...

"Shravan... I have packed your angavastra that's necessary to travel...by this time, Neela  too will be ready to travel...."

Her voice was feeble towards the end...she sniffed as the tears had threaten to flow down...

  Shravan reached her with no pace and embraced firmly...his trembling lips pressed over her neck..nuzzling at her cheeks,he whispered...

  " Suman...nothing would disturb me as your tears... you are my strength and weakness too.. don't make me weak ...please"

"I don't want to go,at least for this night.. already,I missed you a lot and I couldn't stay with you for a whole day.."

   With his tight hold on her,suman understood how much he had missed her...

  She pulled him even more close to her where their bodies resembled one...

Her silence spoke volumes about her feelings ...

"I am sorry suman...". He tried to console her...

  "Ish hhhh...!"

  Hissing to stop him,she gestured him to sit...

   She cupped his cheeks and gazed at his eyes...

"Shravan... if it wasn't really important guruji wouldn't have disturbed us...and kritika  told me that there's a messenger..."

  She had been a perfect emperess and she proved it at every moment...before he could say anything that he had to travel far away,she almost had done with the preparations..

  He grabbed her to sit at his lap and garlanded his hands around her waist..

" The message was from kalyani (capital city of E.chalukya kingdom_now bhanu and Ranjith are the rulers).... Ranjith wanted me to be there as soon as possible"

  Suman's eyebrows shrunk...

"Must be an emergency then...shall I come with you..?"

It was her real concern with Ranjith and bhanu...

  Shravan pinched her nose tip...

"I don't want to put you in unnecessary danger...I will be coming soon...they will be fine.. don't worry..."

  She handed him his sword...she tiptoed to reach his forehead and placed a firm kiss...

"Be careful shravan...I will be waiting for you..."

Suman - The Warrior Empress. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now