walking through the dynasty.,

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  Shravan stepped over the huge rock to enhance the binocular vision...he stood steadily as he leaned his tall,lean and muscular frame...

  Beneath was the splendid nature that welcomed him to the earthly heaven... ...the lustrous greenery was an eye candy.....wild  flowers over the leafy climbers were like pearls over the pretty lady...

Tall mountains lined at west were the western ghats.... they're the  nature's miracle to secure the dynasty... The rivers streamed over the mountains were the sole reason for the dynasty's prosperity...

  Shravan threw his eyes beyond the mountain range....

' Malabar...'...*

As the words rumbled over his throat,a deep sigh accompanied....

Malabar....in other words Malayalam...possessed it's name by the nature's geographic pattern... As the dynasty was located deep beyond the Western ghats range, the name _malai(means mountain) alam (means depth)..suited well....

   Malayalam _ was a far smaller dynasty compared to shravan's capital,Tanjore... Not having suffered due to repeated military or commercial rivals, the dynasty appeared compassionate....the villages were like tiny tots across the sea coast..the blue ocean unfolded across the surrounding.... that's why , the trade was blooming and undoubtedly,pearl fishing had been an important part of the kingdom..

    Shravan's mind anguished to see the pearl that Suman had left at the market place to hint him...

  By seeing the pearl, he concluded that the king of Malayalam played a significant role in abducting Suman...

A tear drop rolled over the pearl... He clenched his eyes tightly...

Suman...it's not fair that they targeted you to revenge me... once I see you,the next moment would be the hell to them...Lord Shiva...please be mercy on her...

     A light breeze played with the few strands of his hair...his shaggy,unkempt beard and his white angavastra gently fluttered in the breeze...it seemed like,the mother nature tried to console him...

He wiped off the tears and had a keen observation again...

     The entire kingdom had been connected with waterways like rivers and streams...

   Far away from the coastal line, Shravan could see the huge building that was surrounded by a massive square garden,which had a designed rows of waterways, flower beds and grass spread out from the centre in simple yet stunning symmetry...At one corner,stood the temple of Lord Shiva... The only way to reach that palace was the river way...

  Shravan's thoughts deepened as he walked back to Neela...

  Udhaya Ravi marthanda varma.**...the king of Malayalam was infact genuine and not a person to descend into unapproved actions like, kidnapping a  woman...even then, shravan didn't want to take a chance...he thought to walk over every dynasty in search of Suman...

   Shravan was not on his thoughts as Neela brought him to the border of Malayalam....she neighed to grab shravan's attention as she was standing near a river...and,to reach the city,they had to cross the river..

Shravan got down ...it was the evening when the sun had settled down at sea...the orange hued sky had brightened the atmosphere still....it would take very little time to adorn darkness..

  He raffled Neela's neck....

  "Sorry Neela...because of me, you are always webbed into trouble...."

  Neela snuggled to his face....as they were in each other's console, there was  a wry laugh that pierced the quiet environment...

  Shravan's mind alarmed  and he turned instantly...his hands were at the sword cautiously...

Suman - The Warrior Empress. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now