The quest for Dharma...

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      Vijaya Simhan wouldn't have imagined himself at this kind of tight spot...

  As soon as he reached the plain,the first thing he noticed was his senapathi's lifeless body...

His entire hope drained and he felt that he had done the biggest mistake in his life...

   Bhanu and Ranjit were behind me..vela and guruji were at the mountain top... Then, who was here...? Who killed my senapathi...?

  His anger soared high and his beast complex peeped out...

He bellowed, twisting his body... His eyes were red , his breath was hissing like a serpant's..

   He stepped through his soldiers...some writhed in agony...some were unusually quite in expectation of their death. Blood flowed like a river and the dying soldier's mourns echoed across the hill and valley...

   Beyond the heap of human bodies , He was issuing orders for the soldiers to give a proper cremation or aiding the needy with medical facilities.

  Seeing him alive was all enough for Vijaya Simhan to be outrageous.

" Shiv Pandav vikramadhitya.....!!!   "

He shouted at the air, bringing all his rage out....

Shiv turned to him and approached him with his cavelry men...

   He was taken aback to see shiv at battlefield. Importantly, he wasn't looking like an old man how he used to be some days ago...

  Confusion would be a no word to describe his mind strom...

  How he's looking the same , young Shiv...? When I saw him,he was old , ugly and wasn't charming at all...!!!!

   Shiv laughed at Vijaya simhan...

"Everything is fair in love and war... Vijaya Simha... do you remember these words...? You made use of my weakness... shamelessly, you kidnapped the empress and I was quite only because of udhaya, we are at  better place to solve our issues..."

  udhaya Ravi's name brought a smile in Vijaya Simhan...

" Despite the best plans, the political things could change at any moment-loyalties flipped often, back stabbing was the norm,and ethics were the matter of lip words...but, I don't mind them all.. because, that made the game thrilling...This day would be a game changer...come..we will decide who is going to rule the dynasty...?"

    Vijaya Simhan stepped down his horse... unsheathing his sword...

" The war is not for the dynasty... it's the quest of dharma..."

A female voice thundered over the crew...

Vijaya Simhan turned to the voice...

Across the Warfield , there came a silver chariot yoked with snow white horses that bearing a goddess figure, rising like a full moon in dark night...

It was princess Sumantha....

Her bold stance and majestic appearance  numbed Vijaya Simhan...

She got down from her chariot and walked forward...she stood facing Vijaya Simhan... she was guarded by krithika, poorni and samrutha...

  She literally had been adorned the warrior princess avatar...

   Vijaya Simhan was at the heights of surprises...

He stood steadily, beaming his chin high...he said in true determination...

Suman - The Warrior Empress. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now