The destiny's trap...

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   Vijaya Simhan was crisscrossing the balcony...doubts knotted on his thoughts to recall the past two days. His face adorned the heaviest dark shade when he spotted the truth...he felt asif he was betrayed cruelly... waves of strong emotions hit him...his every muscle got tensed...

    Slowly his mind understood the sorcery that was wrapped around him...he was lurked intelligently. The combat was silent yet strong...His confidence dwindled eventually...

   Good move indeed...!!!!

A loathsome laugh rumbled at his lips... quickly, his mind devised a plan which inculcated cunning as an  integral part...

  Sleep had gone for away for Vijaya Simhan..he began to wait for the sunrise...


  " Malla...."

Vijaya Simhan's voice fell over the empty reverberated through the walls and the echo created  creepy goosebumps with the guards....

  Guards assembled as Vijaya Simhan didn't appear normal... They opted to be silent as the beast dwells in him might arise at anytime...

Malla heard vijaya simhan and he deciphered some sort of amiss. He stepped in as though he was attending his call  humbly...but , his eyes were wandering over the quadrangle cautiously...

"Malla...I am happy with what you have done yesterday......I wanted to reward you  first handed..."

He laughed asif he had discovered something...

Malla's intuition alarmed him...his hands touched his dagger.

    perhaps , he wasn't fast enough...

Malla's hands were brought to his back and his dagger was taken away by Vijaya Simhan's bodyguards..

"Shiv Pandav vikramadhitya...."

Vijaya Simhan uttered the words , starring into Malla's eyes...

He snarled like a rabid beast...his eyes were deadly like serpant's...

  Suman who was on her way to the quadrangle after meeting samrutha stood froze at the scenes unfolded infront of her..

  Pushing the guards away, she ran towards Shravan...she  stood in front of shravan securely...

" How dare you to do this to shravan...?"

Shouting at the soldiers, she pushed them away... her gesture startled them and they put their head down indecisive...

" Suman... nothing went patient.."

Shravan tried to console her...

Vijaya Simhan curled his lips

" Shiv...I Know that you both were over poisoned with each other's love...but...I couldn't even imagine that you will go to this extent  for your love..."

He jerked and threw a pitiful look at shravan...

" Look at you... Where's your charm...? Your smile and your appearance were liked by you...!!! no lady would like to see you even"

He talked as though he was worried about Shravan...

  "Vijaya simha...stop blabbering... that's not your problem...yes...I would go to any extent for Suman...It wouldn't have taken less than a minute to destroy your dynasty...I thought to take it as my personal issue and I am here now... let's break the ice..if you are ready..duel with me directly... let's decide who is going to live another day..."

Suman - The Warrior Empress. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now