Malla's Truth unveiled..

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Suman rolled at bed..
she wasn't getting peace as the evening incidences kept on running over her thoughts...

She sat up...she decided to go to the balcony for sometime.... she was already fed up with the untoward, she was clueless about Bhanu and Ranjit..In this state , only the full moon and the breeze would be the solace for her...

She put her right foot out of the chamber ... swiftly, a hand extended to stop...

Who's there to stop me...?

She looked up and her eyes twitched out of anger...


" How dare you to stop me...? "

" Devi... it's the Royal order that you have to be confined to the chamber..."

Malla said politely...

Saying so, he leaned at the wall as though the conversation was over...

Suman tapped the floor irritated...

"Why am I living in the Earth even.? "

She shouted starring at the sky...tears rushed down her cheeks...she didn't mind to wipe it off...she leaned at the wall beside the window...and continued to sobb...

Suddenly she stopped crying and turned as someone touched her shoulder...and she was shocked to see Malla there...

She pushed his hand and stepped back as if she had touched fire...

"Malla... don't come near me...I am warning you...I will kill you if you move a bit..."

She gasped in anger...her eyes were red , warning him to the square...

"Suman... listen to me..."

Malla wasn't scared. He dared to move forward...

Suman looked around...she took the bronze lamp that was burning near her...she pointed the sharp edge at him...

" Dare not to near me...stop there..."

She said and grasped the lamp tighter...

Malla laughed mischief...

"Suman...look at me...look into my eyes...I am shiv...your shravan..."

He told in one go and looked her expectantly...

For a moment, suman was silent... Then, laughed aloud...

" you...? Shravan? You are a coward who tries to use a woman's insecurity... Shravan is a gem... even though he got many opportunities to near me in the princess fort,he never did so...and, he stood at my side at my tough time even after knowing that I may hate him later... Don't even compare him to are a selfish.."

Malla stunned to hear her statement... she wasn't ready to accept him as Shravan...

While he was in confusion, she began to attack him with the lamp she had...

Malla nodded subsequently...he avoided her every possible move to strike him...

He grasped her waist and lifted her to his chest... he swirled her in the air gripping her waist firmly... He slid an armlet to her right arm...

It was her silver armlet that embedded with an emerald in it...

It was shravan's habit that whenever he had to leave Suman,he used to wear her armlet and he would make Suman to wear his armlet... This exchange indeed felt them to be close with each other...

Suman - The Warrior Empress. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now