The brooding silence...

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    It was the shiny full moon that sparkled like ever before...still,the moon's ray couldn't sneak in to the brindavan as Suman was not there...

  The wind was hot and the trees were hung the leaves as though they regretted for what had happened... the birds opted to stay in their nests ...they stopped chirping pleasant....the lake was placid...even,the swans swam quitely understanding shravan's pathetic state....

      Though Shravan wanted to be alone,the silence at the brindavan was horrowing...his torn apart heart was even more hurted....

  He sighed deeply....rubbing his hands together,he stood up...

He wasn't the Shravan who used to be....the brilliance of his face was missing and he looked weak...he wasn't on his thoughts as he was mentally dragged to his Lady love every now and then...

   He looked at the moon and he remembered the evening he spent with Suman at the same brindavan...those incidents made him to goosebump...and a thin layer of tear sprung immediately...

  Suman...where are you..I am lifeless now... I'm living without you..this thought itself kills me thousand times

   Tears ran down his cheeks...he was helpless to wipe out the tears even...As a mighty emporer,he never felt forsaken...whenever he felt weakness,she was his strength...she was his happiness....she was the very reason for his,he felt as like he was parted from his soul...

  Above all,her well being and her condition that he unaware exhausted him soulfully...

   Lord Shiva...please take care of her and hint me to reach her..

His mind pleaded....

  Neela stepped near him and snuggled her nose at his was a gesture to console him...

  He smiled sadly...and his eyes shed down fresh set of tears as neela's neigh strengthen him...she nodded her head repeatedly.her eyes were determined and shining...

  "Yes...neela...we will find her... wherever she is,we will reach her...and that coward has to pay for it..."

Saying so, Shravan sat up on neela...He took a shining pearl from a pouch....his eyes trembled to see the hint that Suman had given to him...he clenched his fist tightly...he looked neela determined....

Neela neighed,lifting her legs aslike she's in a Warfield....

Shravan reciprocated her neigh....

"Hara hara mahadev...."


    The Royal court was at pin drop silence strangely...

It was a habit that whenever the Royal Court is called on, that mean an auspicious occasion for the people of the kingdom....

   Every citizen of the kingdom would assemble at the court to witness shravan and Suman together...they used to prize their togetherness...all the ministers and courtiers would wait for shravan's arrival and they would long to hear from shravan....

   Even today,the Court was waiting for shravan....but, everyone's eyes were frightened....there was an awkward silence throughout....

   Usually, Suman would be sitting beside shravan in the immense emerald embedded diamond throne.....her face would glisten more in expectation of the majesty, shravan...krithika and poorni would chose to tease her...guruji would enjoy the  entire scene satisfied...

Suman - The Warrior Empress. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now