¿what happened?

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[M/n prospective.]

It was morning right or was it in the middle of the nigh.i cant think straight it hurts to try. God why do you hate me. I mentally screamed in my head wishing i could recall what happened. Nothing came to mind tho it was all.....who you say blank.

It was dark and so very cold but then again it is around spring time so i don't mind. It was so dark though i cant even see like to feet in front of me. "Of all people this has to happen to me." i sighed in frustration and anger. I only had one thing to keep me occapide trying to figure out what was going on and why i was here and how i got here. All of these questions i didn't have the key to.

"For once in my life why cant i think." I tried hard, but pain had shot up through my body causing me to fall on my butt. The floor was colder the the air it self.
" If i don't get out soon i'll be a human popsicle." i mumble and giggled quietly at my good for nothing joke.

After minutes of walking around the room i was held in i found out that it had to be a room somewhere in a basement. Thinking was now easier but what good will it do me it won't help me get out of this hell. Basement where my 3rd biggest fear 2nd being in dark place not knowing where i am and what i cant see. Most murders happen in basement so i put my self in a corner blocking out every thing.

The idea of sleeping was a dream that had many risk to it. Yet half way i was already their trying harder than before to remember. Yet nothing. Footsteps that's all i could hear above me. This was it only three horrible ideas popped up in my head. I was either gonna get rapped, murdered, or abused.

I was scared. I wanted to scream yet if i just stayed quiet maybe the forget i was here. Now i can only hope and think of who i got here. Sleep once again taking over my body until i finally black out.

[ ??? Prospective]

" hey so when will he wake up hyung." the younger asked me with excitement filling his eyes
"How in the heck im i suppose to know." i groaned because i too was wondering.

"Hyung how much did you drug the poor boy." the so called leaders ask me again not know a thing.
"Yoongi was the one who drugged him not m-" a was cut off by the devil himself.

"He was pretty drunk himself i just put four pills in his cup." he said with out a care it the world.
"Four pills!!!" we all yelled at yoongi knowing he wound give two cents about what he had done.

"You could have killed h- what if he's-" i started to panic my eyes building up tears threading to fall
"Fine hyung i'll check on him." and with that he walked away but i could of sworn i heard him dash to the basement the moment he was out of sight.

A/n note

Hi hi so i hoped you like the intro so far and now you know who will be checking on you soon oh~ but any way i most likely update soon
Bye bye~
Love your angel_yu_min

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