New pet

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I started pasting around the room. I knew i shouldn't have  mentioned the bar. I knew that they would all like him ,but to kidnap him. Just wow. I was so nervous about what would happen to him. This was all jungkook plan. I should have never had talked about him. I started to sob as i fell to the ground. More and more tears proud from my eyes as i heard footsteps coming up stairs, but should they becoming down. Everyone went upstairs to get ready.
   "J-junsoeie? Why are you..."
He stop mid sentences looking over me. His fearful face growing even more scared.
  " oh my god"he mumbled as he tip toed over to me.
"what did they do to you why are you crying?!" I was in shock. Why would he still care about me. After i put him through all of this. I cried more as i wrapped my arms around him.
  "I'm so s-sorry it's all m-my fault." (M/n) wrapped his arm me rocking me back and forth.
  " what's your fault?" More shock was set over my body. He really didn't know anything. I choked on my sobbing while trying to explain. More foot steps could be heard as (m/n) tried to get me up.

Suga prospective

After we had all ran upstairs to get dressed i realized junsoe didn't follow me. To the other's his purpose was over even though they loved his company. For me though it was still only the beginning he was mine. He had all the marks to prove that he was my property. I decided to go casual since i didn't care all to much. Yet hobie looked for his "special occasion" outfit. Hell maybe everyone would where their "special occasion" outfit. Taking my mind off the other i started to hear sobbing but pushed out of my mind since no one would be sad today. Either that or they're sobbing tears of joy. Hobie quickly asked me how he looked.
  " good ....i guess." he scanned me up and down in disgust.He looked through the closet pulling out my "special occasion" outfit. He smiled handing it to me.
" what am i going do with this?"
"Put it on of crouse silly!"
"No thanks."
"But why our new pet is here!?"
"No your guys new pet is here." He looked at me with disbelief in his eyes. His mouth soon opened but was cut off by the sound of more sobbing then the sound of two people conversation. Walking out the room we all looked at each everyone was upstairs. All but junsoe and (M/N),but why would one be crying. The sobs got even worse at at that point i knew who the sobs belonged to. Running past everyone down the stairs as they followed worried if their pet was hurt or not. Once at the bottom in the front of the door was (m/n) and junsoe. Anger is all that could described my face.

(M/n) prospective
Crap i was to late they came down so quickly. I knew that going on foot would be a bad idea but junsoe knows how to hot wire a car. In the middle of the group was suga his face had death written all over it. Junsoe became so quiet as if he die. Scanning over the room i only seen six but where was ji-.
My thoughts where interrupted by the sudden movement of junsoe's hand being replaced by much bigger one's. Turning my had i see jin holding my had and junsoe on the door.
"Junsoe you gotta run!" tears started to fill mt eyes. Why wouldn't he move.   I was almost ready to burst out yelling at him but looking over his physical condition made me cry. The same seen played out in 1st grade when i meet him. He looked like a trembling bunny his eye's lost all color becoming more dull and grey. I promised this would never happen to him again but i guess i lied. Jin's grip didn't loosen what so ever. My eyes where still glued to the small boy i know as junsoe. Suga walk past me walking towards his boyfriend or if i could even call their relationship that. Junsoe stiffed more at his touch wich made suga face change to a softer look. For a second i thought that yoongi had nothing to do with any of this. Until he grabbed junsoe arm and dragged him upstairs. My eyes went small as i heard my friend begging and scream for him to let go. Once the door shut all eyes went to me then upstairs. Jin dragged me back down stairs i didn't care what they did to me right now i just prayed that junsoe was alright.
"You shouldn't worry about him."
  "You heard me sweetie your punishment will be much more harsher than his hope you'll be ready." with that sentence i was pushed into the dark room i had once woke up in. The door closing behind me and Jin's footsteps slowly disappearing.

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