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Entries have now been closed! I would like to thank eeryone who has entered this awards. <3 I love doing these! I wish you all luck. <3 Please make sure you have followed your judges, they are working very hard to read all of your work! <3 It takes a lot of time to make these things happen sometimes. I would like for you to all support them! 

Judges! It's now time to begin judging if you haven't. Your results are due May 4th at the latest. <3 Thank you all for signing up to help out with this awards!! <3 

There will be more contests after this as I say every time. So please don't be upset if you haven't won. I also encourage you all to check out any entries you may find interesting. 

(Just sayingggg, my book is also an option to check out!) I'm just kidding. XD

Alright! That's all I have to say for now. Thank you all. <3 

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