Werewolf Winners!

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Hello lovelies!! I hope you're all excited for these lovely winners to be revealed. I would first like to thank your judge! The fabulous: maginary <3 Thank you so much for being an awesome judge and helping out with this contest. <3 

Please Remember!! If you want your winner sticker please pm my main account!: coolcourtney5 <3 

Special message from your judge!: To all the books that signed under the Werewolf category, all your books were great. I enjoyed reading them all and Choosing the best three books was much more difficult than I expected. If you're not in the top 3 please do not feel offended, your book was good and if you'd like to know a review of your book, please feel free to PM me.

~Best Regards,Maginary

Now on with the winners! 

For our third place winner we have: 

Terra by: laaazybones

Fabulous job lovely! <3 

Interesting start and great descriptions and covers. Well Written Hun !

Coming in at second place we have!: 

The Little Wolf by: Queen-Aphrodite

Fantastically done lovely!! <3 <3 

Addictive story with well written imagery! Awesome work hun!

Annnd! Finally! For our first place winner!: 

The Faye's Secret by: SarahBeth9009

Congratulations lovely!!! <3 <3 <3 

The title is catchy enough and the blurb does no justice to how good the book is . I enjoyed the unique plot and even the Imagery used, I could actually see what you were describing Excellent!

Honourable mentions: 

Blood Line by: AprilFitts Beastly by: SSManentsa Rejection once is enough by: Your books had a difference of just a few points from the winners.

I would like to thank all of you for entering this contest. I would also like to thank your awesome judge once more! <3 I hope to see you all back here for my net awards! <3 Don't be upset if you haen't won, you have all created wonderful novels you should be proud of! I look forward to watching you all grow. <3 

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