Poetry Winners

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Hello everyone! It's time for the fabulous winners of poetry to be revealed! i would like to thank AlexEdawn For being an awesome judge! Thank you very much for helping out with the contest! <3 

Please remember!: If you want your winner sticker please pm my main account: coolcourtney5 I need the following information. 

Novel Title: 
Place You Won: 
Email: (So I can send your sticker.)

For Our third place winners we have: 

Midnight Thoughts by: sofia18m 

Review: From the cover to the opening poem, left me wanting more. The depth and truth to the style of the poet makes me a believer of your work. If you keep at it, you will definitely be a great poet in the near future. The darkness in the poems became light to my thoughts a relation to humanity and the secrets of friendship. The connectivity and consistency thrilled me. My favorite was the 'Night 1'. Y'all go read it, I'm sure you'll agree.

Help Wanted by: Aurumnbird 

Review: The book is indeed a depiction of the authors emotions to his or her relations. The book in every way, related to the theme. The consistency to which each poem was written, is commendable. Yes, there were mistakes here and there, but it didn't remove the elegance and the core of the poems. My personal favorite is 'To Say Goodbye'. Keep writing, the best is yet to come.

Well done lovelies! <3 

Coming in at second place we have!: 

Ideas by: JackAbbey12

Review:  The pure flow of emotions and the beauty of having to read a piece of yourself in every of the poems. It's not the best, but it's just perfect. With a little editing, it will shine. Keep writing, the best is yet to come.

My Muse by: nighttaker 

Review: Let me start by saying the book is refreshing and very laid back. The book hold fancy feelings locked in few words. It's amusing and I commend the efforts. I think you should dig deep and express it more. But for now, your works hold a free spirited, a light weight expression of deep emotions which is highly relatable and smooth. Keep writing.

Awesomely done lovelies!! <3 <3 

Annnd! Finally! For our first place winner!: 

Dazzling Poems by: GwenevierjonesEhimen 

Review: Dazzling Poem by Gwenevierjones Ehimen reminds the reader of the ancient tunes and feels of poetry. This book can be perceived as a thought-provoking piece of literary work that sounds like an anthem of the modern generation of seekers. The title of this book is befitting to the total work. The cover is blissful and deep. A poetic symbolism. The poems cultivates a sense of enthusiasm in the reader to search for the excitement and understanding of 'ourselves' and what essentially we've been blinded to. Gwenevier's creativity in this book remains outstanding, and remarkable as it leaves the reader awed to enjoy both the art and the lessons which is what comprises a human being; with each piece carrying in itself a whole new world of emotions, lessons, original and full of wisdom. The central idea in this book revolves around the human being and its conditions relating to us in different situations. My favorites are 1. Lotus1, 2. Song for her, 3. Sleep 4. Mr Peter, 5. I won't say 6. Caved Man's Dream. And so on. If I keep listing, I may list everything. Good work, you are a star and you deserve more.

Congratulations lovely!!! <3 <3 <3 

Honourable Mentions: 

In the world of my thoughts by: Lil_cutipiee This book deserves to be mentioned and I think you will enjoy it as a reader or in need of inspiration. The book brought out a single drop of dew on every memory leaf of my youth. It reminds the reader of dreams and personal experience of any teenage girl or boy in a fragile world. My best poem of the book is 'Born Free'. It resonated with me and many of my colleagues. The beauty and innocence, though it has no depth, but it truly had truth and consistency in the words. Weldon!

Stories Untold: by: cachline The book depicted a fragile look of a heavy world. A glimpse of hope to an unending tale. A beautiful bliss for a curious mind wondering what's hidden behind the clouds. The poems kept me reading another, always waiting for the punch to depict the stories Untold. My best poem is definitely 'yesterday'.

Fractured Reality by: Oceane_Breeze

Beautiful troubled world by: Dragonrat703

I would like to congratulate all winners! I would like to thank all of you who have entered into this contest. Please join me in congratulating everyone you see here! Please don't be upset if you haven't won. I'll be doing many more future contests, so there will always be more chances to win!! <3 Thank you to the judge for helping out! <3 

Judge's message: I am grateful to be exposed to talents and future inspiration to this generation such as yourselves. The works I have interacted with left a lasting impression about all of you and they are good ones.

I'd like to tell all of you talented writers and aspiring poets to learn how to manage expectations both as the writer and for your readers. Many works were victims of this. Also, don't forget consistency is the key. Poetry is all about the truth, depth and personal expression. More elements are involved, but these are the basis of any poem. When next you write, make sure you keep in mind these things. I admire the efforts, creativity and art to all your works. Keep writing and interacting with more works and people who are interested in same art, learn grow and be the poet you meant to be. If you need any help I'm willing to help out anyway I can. God bless:)

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