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YAY!!!!!! I'm so excited to reveal the winners of my favourite genre!! Most of you know the Vampire and Fantasy are my favourites!! <3 I would first like to thank your fangtastic judge: MenderaStorm <3 You have been an amazing judge!! Thank you for all your help and quick responses to my messages. I hope you help out with future contests as well. 

Please Remember!: If you want your winner sticker than please make sure you private message my main account: coolcourtney5 with the following information. <3 

Novel Title, 
Place you won, 
Email Address (So I can send you your sticker.)

And nooooow! For fangtastic winners! (I make this bad joke every single time, and as I always say... if you don't laugh I shall cry. XD)

For our third place winner we have!: 

His Other One by: starlily1

Awesome job lovely! <3 

Coming in at second place we have!: 

The Vampire's Mark by: AmyCamy

Amazingly done lovely!! <3 <3 

Annnd! Finally! For our first place winner!: 

The Red Guard: Vampire Hunters of Vatican City by: traci_edmunds

Congratulations lovely!!! <3 <3 <3 

Judge's Review: I loved this story about Chloe and her unfortunate boyfriend, right from the first few paragraphs. I made rough notes on all the entries as I did my first read through.

'The Red Guard – Actually grabbed me right away. Unusual plot, but original. Good, want to read on, developing nicely. Creates a proper world. Love it.'Were my rough notes for 'The Red Guard' and although there were some very good entries, this story was a clear winner. The scene in Rome was set well, with enough description to make me feel the city around me, without sounding like a travelogue. I won't dwell on the fate of poor Derek, her boyfriend. It all led to her meeting Quinn though and a well-developed introduction to the Red Guard.Realism is in the small things and I loved the idea that immersion in goat's blood, can kill a vampire. Chloe's training as a member of the Red Guard was nicely done, at a smooth pace. I did worry that the story was beginning to tread water, but no, Chloe was introduced to The Pope.Chloe had choices to make about her values and allegiances, but I'm not about to give away too many spoilers. Neither am I going to give away the excellent ending, which led nicely into a possible sequel.A worthy winner and something original. Now go off and read it for yourself.

I would like to thank MenderaStorm once more for doing such an amazing job. <3 Thank you to everyone who has entered this contest, and I really hope you return for my next contest in May!! Please do not be upset if you haven't won, there will be many more chances to come! Now join me in congratulating these fabulous winners!! <3 

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