Action Winners

84 9 3

Hello lovelies. This genre was a struggle! The original judge I had for this genre has stopped responding to me, and still hasn't. So, I had to quickly find someone I could rely on and trust to judge this genre. I'm sorry for the confusion. I would like seriously like to thank: akrkiller_tiger You really helped me out here, and I'm incredibly thankful to you! <3 

Please Remember!: If you want your winner sticker please pm my main account: coolcourtney5

For our third place winner we have: 

My Ethalled: Super powers by: AMG297 

Wonderful job lovely! <3 

Coming in at second place we have: 

Regeneration by: Amanda_x_Kimberley 

Incredible work lovely!! <3 <3 

Annnd! Finally! For our first place winner we have!: 

Red Skies by: ProjectPr1de 

Congratulations lovely!!! <3 <3 <3 

Judge's Comments: "Intriguing from the very start. Once I started I just couldn't stop(Although I had to... Well, because I was judging...). It is very fascinating how you are capable of making the reader have different and varied feelings for different characters and not to mention, your writing style instantly grasps the reader's attention. Character development, pacing and the settings were on the cusp of perfection. There were some small yet negligible grammar mistakes though. All in all, this book is a must read!"

Thank you to everyone who entered this contest! And once again, a huge thank you to your awesome judge! <3 I hope you all return for my next contest. Please do not be upset if kyou haven't won! There will be many more chances to come in the future. <3 Thank you all! 

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