Chapter 1: Introduction

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My name is Phoebe Thunderman, a 14-year-old girl who lives in a small town called Hiddenville in California with my parents and 3 siblings. We just moved here from a city named Metroberg, which is about a half hour away. Metroberg is a community where the entire population are SUPERHEROES. So that means, yep, you guessed it: me and my whole family are superheroes as well! Shhh! We are very low-key with it though, so let's keep that a secret between us, okay?

Now I know what you're in the hell do my family and I have superpowers? We were all just naturally born with them; it's in our blood apparently. Anyway, here are the all of the powers that each of us have. My dad, Hank, is the legendary Thunder Man. He has super strength and can fly after yelling his catchphrase, "Thunder Man, AWAY!" But he HAS to stop flying through our roof. There's already 5 freaking holes in our ceiling right now! My mom, Barb, is the iconic Electris. She has the ability to control lightning and electricity. My 10-year-old brother Billy has super speed. He can run from our house to a place like Costa Rica in like 3 seconds (AT THE MOST)! He's also...let's just say...not the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer; I'm just gonna leave it at that. My 8-year-old sister Nora has laser eyes. She also looks cute wearing her bows on the top of her head, but don't let that fool you. You cross her path she'll zap you with her eyes faster than you can say "OUCH"; I'm scared of her myself. Yikes! And finally, we have my twin brother Max. He and I have the same 3 powers: telekinesis (moving things with our minds), freeze breath and heat breath (the latter sometimes for thawing out who or what we freeze). And if you think a family of superheroes was shocking, you wanna know something else about Max? Brace yourselves...he used to be an aspiring super VILLAIN!

Yep, you heard me right; a teenage boy in a superhero kin had dreams of becoming an evil villain. My brother used to be hella troublesome, it's not even a joke! It all started when we were five, and he beheaded my dolls. And it just got worse from there because for some reason doing that gave him a sudden sick, twisted pleasure of doing bad things. Here are some examples: pouring both chocolate and cheese on my head during picture day at our old school, drawing a mustache on my face while I was taking a nap on the couch, turning my whole skin blue, etc. Thankfully, it was just a phase which both of our parents and I knew he'd grow out of. Granted, it took a long-ass while, but to an extent it was worth the wait.

Here's what made him turn good. Don't ask what caused this, but Max ended up at his peak of evilness which made him team up with some of the most notorious super villains known to man: Strongdor, Fairy Pinchess, Dr. Colosso and the infamous Dark Mayhem...the leader of the Villain League (the Hero League's rival corporation) and Max's (former) idol. They were going to enslave all of Metroberg and make them their minions. My family and I had to stop them once and for all! It was an all out war between heroes and villains that went on for about 20 minutes; that's when Max had me vulnerable.

He had an orb that Dark Mayhem gave him as a last resort which contained Malvezium-a deadly substance that can kill any superhero or super villain with the slightest touch! So the second Max presses the button on the orb, it'll blast me and I'm a goner. Like a gun, he aimed directly at me ready to fire. "Max no, please don't!" I begged him. "I know deep down inside, you're not like this. PLEASE come out of this phase! Don't continue to be the black sheep of the family because you know in your heart that you're one of US and not one of THEM!" I started tearing up in the middle of saying all of that. And I think that's what made him reconsider his actions. Seeing me cry warmed up his used-to-be-cold heart and made him realize the type of person he was, the type of person he shouldn't be. With the orb he remained hesitant to use still in his hand and aimed at me, he started tearing up himself. "D-don' m-mind..." he stammered with his voice breaking and damn near trailing off. We could tell he was struggling albeit conflicted. We didn't know if he was trying to resist killing me or trying to resist coming to his senses.

"Max, stop being a whiny sissy and destroy your sister for good!" Dark Mayhem ordered my brother in a very deep voice. By the grace of God, Max would not do as he commanded. He turned to Dark Mayhem and said with tears still rolling down his cheeks, "I can't do it; I chose the wrong side and went too far. I don't know what I was thinking or what's gotten into me to have me act like this all these years looking up to you scumbags-" "Language!" Billy exclaimed. "Shut it, Billy!" I heard Nora instruct him in a whisper. "...but this is not me," Max continued, aiming the orb at Dark Mayhem. "Goodbye, DORK Mayhem!" He pressed the button on the orb and lethally blasted Villain League's leader, resulting in his corpse flat on the floor, with both his arms and legs wide out putting him in a windmilling position. Then, he took out Strongdor, Pinchess and Colosso as the now deceased villains screamed in fear.

As Max wiped a couple of tears from his eyes, all of us cheered and applauded him as we ran up to him for a Thunderfam hug. "Max, you did it!" I exclaimed with delight, hugging my now-good twin from behind. "My baby is so longer evil; the phase is finally over!" said Mom, squeezing him the tightest with her hug. "We always knew that there was good in you, pal!" Dad said, kissing his forehead...which Max never likes by the way, but he paid not even half-a-mind to that as he started breaking down in more tears with a facepalm and his knees dropping to the floor the second the family hug ended. I bent down to him and started rubbing his back for comfort. "It's alright, Max," I assured my bawling brother. I took the cape I was wearing (because we were all in our super suits in which we have to be when fighting crime) and wiped his excessive tears with it. "Just let it out," I said to Max, still rubbing his back. "I have to wash my suit anyway." When he finally stopped crying, he apologized for ALL of the evil things he has ever done. "I screwed up big time," he said, his voice still somewhat breaking while staring at the floor because he feels too shameful to even look at any of his flesh and blood in the eyes. "I have no idea what came over me to make me act like this. I don't know what caused me to be in this evil phase for all these years; I was just stupid." "Been there," said Billy as he gazed into space while Nora rolled her eyes and shook her head standing next to him. "Max, you're not stupid," Mom convinced him. "We all make mistakes." "That's right," Dad agreed. "And you've finally learned from all of yours; that's the most important thing. So now, you can finally start training to become a superhero just like the rest of us...your family who you will always be part of no matter what." "Yeah," I concurred. "Max, it may have took you a long minute to finally snap out of it, but we all knew that you would some day." "We did?" Billy whispered to Nora. "Yes, we did!" Nora whispered back angrily as she gritted her teeth. Oh, Billy...

I helped stand my brother up and wrapped him up in another hug. "I love you guys," said Max. "And we love you, too," I said, speaking for the rest of our kin. And with all that being said, Max was ready to start training and we were all willing to help him step by step during the process...and he has improved A LOT quicker than we thought!

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