Chapter 13: Our Parents Find Out

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We were caught; our mother, the woman that carried us for 9 months in her stomach, just saw her 2 eldest kids freaking kiss! Max and I just stood there in fear, still as statues looking like we were paralyzed. "HANK!!!!!" she yelled angrily to Dad from afar as her pissed-off look stared directly into our souls. "We are in so much trouble," I whispered to my brother. "Oh yeah, definitely," he concurred in response. We heard our father's heavy footsteps getting closer. "What is it, Barb?" he asked, concerned. "Max and Phoebe were just kissing...ON THE LIPS!" "WHAT?!" Dad had a pissed-off look even scarier than Mom's-TEN TIMES SCARIER! "Why the hell were you two kissing?" he asked, walking slowly towards us like he was about to literally kill us.

Neither of us could speak...just low-key stammering. If Max and I had told the whole Hiddenville High about our superpowers or something, they wouldn't even be THIS mad! "Answer me!" Dad scolded. I damn near pissed my jeans after how loud he yelled that. One of us had to speak up, because no matter how our Thundercest will be explained, there's no way on God's green earth it's gonna sound good; so we might as well rip the bandage off. "Okay," I finally said after a deep-ass sigh. "Here's why Max and I were kissing..."

We both went back and forth explaining to our parents from the beginning (Thunderman: The Ride). After we told them everything, they both paced around with their hands on their hips...trying to fathom all that they just heard. This went on for about 30 seconds with Mom facepalming and Dad rubbing his head like he needed some aspirin. "I can't believe this," Mom said. "This is just crazy! Our two oldest kids are engaging in incest!" "Apparently, to them THUNDERcest!" Dad corrected her. "I thought it was clever," I said, shrugging and still looking guilty. They both gave me that "what the hell" look. "Ok, I'm just gonna stop talking now," I quickly decided, looking down on the floor in shame.

Then, Billy and Nora came in the room. "What's going on?" Billy asked. "Nothing, go to bed," Mom ordered our younger siblings. "What did Max and Phoebe do?" Nora asked. "Your mother said go to bed!" Dad told them in the most sternest voice possible. They both left upset, and we heard Nora say as they left, "Man, we never get to see all the good stuff!" "I know, right?!" we heard Billy concur. "Barb, I think they might need a psychiatrist," Dad suggested to her. "And WE might need a therapist," Mom said. "No Mom, Dad, please don't take us to a psychiatrist!" I pleaded. "Yeah, we're not crazy," Max said. "At the bare minimum, what you're doing is crazy," Mom pointed out. "It's also wrong...and I think even illegal in most states!" Dad said. "I'm surprised marijuana is even legalized in some states...including here in California!" Well, our father has a good point there.

"You two have been going behind our backs for almost 2 weeks straight!" Mom said. "I used to worry about Max going to Super Jail during his evil phase, so I sure as hell don't want to worry about BOTH of you going there due to your 'Thundercest'." "Mom, Dad, we're both SO sorry that we went behind your backs and that it's come to this,"  I said. "But, we can't help it; Max and I really love each other this way." "Oh my God!" Dad exclaimed hopelessly, looking like he was getting ready to vomit. "Okay, look; we'll discuss this in the morning," Mom said. "You guys get ready for bed, now!" Max and I looked at each other with sadness, and I was getting ready to tear up which I didn't want any of them to see.

We all left the Ghost Cage room, and I went upstairs to mine quickly because the waterworks were approaching. Once I reached my room, I slammed the door in both anger and heartbreak and fell face first on the pillow of my bed. I let out an excessive amount of tears with muffled sobbing. I was so upset; I didn't want our parents to take us to a psychiatrist...or even worse, separate my brother and I. Would one of us have to live our Aunt Mandy or our grandparents Pop Pop and Nana? Would Mom and Dad even have the upmost audacity to voluntarily take us to the Metroberg Super Jail? Would they separate Billy and Nora out of fear that THEY would do the same exact thing when they grow up? All of these questions floated through my mind after I stopped crying for a couple of minutes. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling in the dark, still with a pair of watery eyes, for 15 minutes. And that whole time I was thinking about the possibilities of what our parents would do or say in the morning that could (negatively) affect our "Thundercest" relationship. I was also thinking about how Max might've been feeling at that particular moment. And I would find out shortly after because he low-key texted me.

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