Chapter 14: The Meeting

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We tried extra hard to keep our Thundercest on the low just like our parents requested. We're just lucky we even got their blessing in the first place! On Saturday, Billy and Nora were at a friend's house for the weekend and Mom and Dad had bought 2 tickets to a superhero-themed play in Metroberg. They were DYING to see this play ever since it started being promoted a couple of months prior, so Dad purchased the tickets on ahead of time. The play was scheduled to start at 12PM, and they left around 10:45AM to get a good seat. "We'll be back around 3PM," Mom said. "Okay, Mom," Max and I both said. "Love you," Dad said as he closed the door behind them. "Love you, too," Max and I both said again right before the door closed all the way.

Just like the Macaulay Culkin movie, the Thunder Twins were home alone! "So what do you wanna do today, boo?" I asked my bro/bae. "Well, there's a bunch of 'Fresh Prince' episodes on the DVR waiting to be binge watched," he suggested. "Ooooh, yesss! I love the episode where Will gets a job at that pirate-theme restaurant, but he hides it from his Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv; check if that one's on there." It was, so we watched that one first and then a couple others. Once the third episode was over, we got a call from Super President Kickbutt on our Thunder Monitor. "Alert, alert; incoming transmission from Super President Kickbutt." Once she appeared on the screen, we greeted our boss and she greeted us back. "Do you have a mission for us?" I asked. "No actually, I would like for you two to come to a mandatory meeting at the Hero League headquarters in 30 minutes." After giving mutually curious looks to each other, Max assured her, "Yes ma'am, we'll be there." "Definitely," I confirmed. "Excellent," our boss said with a smile. "See you in a half hour, Thunder Twins. Super President Kickbutt...out!" She pressed a button on her desk that lowered our Thunder Monitor until it was out of plain sight.

"Hmm, I wonder what the meeting's gonna be about?" I said. "No idea," Max shrugged. "Let's go grab our jet packs." "Right." I started upstairs as Max opened the hatch to his slide that goes down to his lair, and then I realized something. "Max, wait!" I said before he could start to slide down. "What's wrong, sis?" "What if the meeting is about our Thundercest? What if they know about it?" "Oh come on, Pheebs; the only people that are aware of that are our family and 3 of our friends." "Think about it, Max; the Hero League monitors EVERYTHING! Remember one time Kickbutt stopped me from almost eating my lunch because Billy licked it?" "Oh no, he never licked my lunch, did he?!" he asked. "Babe, that's not the point! If that's what the meeting's about, H.L. knows our secret and in this scenario, it can be a 100% guarantee that we'll get thrown in Super Jail. I just had a dream the other night after Mom and Dad found out where we got thrown in separate rooms FAR away from each other in jail; and they even threw away the freaking keys!"

"Holy crap, Phoebe; why didn't you tell me this at first?" "I started to, but when Mom and Dad surprisingly agreed to let us date, I felt that it wasn't important to talk about anymore." He walked over to me and hugged me. "You can always tell me everything, boo," Max told me. "But I get it, because remember when it was hard for me to admit to you why I was evil? I totally understand how you feel." "Thanks, boo," I said. "But Kickbutt and the whole Hero League may not understand our love when we get to that meeting." "Well, we're gonna take a stand; we're gonna look them straight in the eye, and tell them we love each other to death, and that we don't give a damn what ANYONE thinks!" "Are you crazy, Max?! We could lose our capes, our powers and may NEVER be a crime-fighting duo ever again." "It's like you said before, Pheebs; I love you more than enough to take risks!"

I smiled confidently at that comment. He was right, I had to take my own advice and trust Max on this. "Let's go to that meeting!" I said with my game face on again and even more confidence. We did our Thunder Twin handshake, kissed, and then went to go get our jet packs from our respective bedrooms. 5 minutes later, we both took off in the air. Once we got there, we landed right in front of the building. While still nervous about the odds of the H.L. staff being aware of our Thundecest, my brother and I were still determined to stand our ground and fight to keep our unethical, yet cute, relationship in tact. Right before we walked inside, Max held my hand to remind me that everything was going to be okay. We walked in the building, and sat our jet packs down on the side.

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