Chapter 4: Conflicted With Emotions

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What the bloody hell just happened?! Did I just KISS my freaking BROTHER?! My twin freaking BROTHER?! Oh my sweet dear Lord in heaven, no! I couldn't have just done that; this HAS to be a dream! It just HAS to be a dream of some sort. I pinched myself to check. "Ow!" I yelped. Nope, this is reality. "Did you just kiss me...and pinch yourself right after?" Max asked me in shock. I quickly panicked and shot back, "You kissed me too!" "OK, I did!" he admittedly and reluctantly replied. "But WHY did we just kiss each other?"

He was right; why DID we just lock lips? We're brother and sister...TWINS! Were we just loopy from the ride? No. Were we just tired for some reason and not thinking straight? No. Did holding  hands in fear on that ride turn us on to each other somehow, especially after looking directly at one another for only 10 seconds? Hell to the yes! We had to admit it, but didn't want to. Thankfully, we didn't have to, at least yet for that particular moment...because my phone rang; it was Link. Despite his clinginess, I'm SUPER glad that he called that specific minute. I answered it, and the whole time I talked to him I avoided eye contact with Max.

"Hey Link, what's up?" I said, chuckling nervously. "Hey Pheebs," he replied. "Can you meet me at Splatburger tonight at 7pm?" "Uh sure," I said. "Sounds great." "Cool, see ya there!" We both hung up, and I still didn't look at my brother, who was probably avoiding eye contact as well. It was an awkward silence for about 15 seconds. The silence finally broke when Max said, "Let's go catch up with our family." "Good idea, bro," I replied quickly as we both got up from the bench and walked away like nothing happened.

But something DID happen; my brother and I KISSED! And for some strange reason, we had mutual feelings for each other (twin telepathy), but neither of us wanted to say it out loud. I think it's because Max and I have been getting along more and hanging out a lot, and now it's more than just a sibling connection. The way he held my hand on that ride was low-key romantic, and I oddly liked it...and he evidently felt the same. And the way we looked at each other on the bench solidified our feelings for each other. I just loved the way he smiled at me, with his swoosh-shaped hair that almost looks like the Nike symbol. Damn it! Why does he have to be so freaking cute? And how and why did I not realize how cute he was until now? In my eyes, he's even cuter than Link-my BOYFRIEND! I thought to myself, when I go to Splatburger to meet Link at 7pm, Max will most likely be on my mind the WHOLE date! Oh my God, what the hell am I gonna do?!

The rest of the day at Amazingland was normal, although Max and I still tried to avoid eye contact. If we looked at each other, it was only for a second and then we quickly looked away. That evening, I met Link at Splatburger at 7pm sharp as planned. I was puzzled, partly because of what happened earlier that day, but also because there were no cars in the parking lot and Splatburger's usually packed around this time...almost as packed during the lunch rush! All I saw was Link's bike on the bike rack on the side of the restaurant. Why does Splatburger look deserted? I thought to myself. I went in to find out, and what I saw the second I walked in made my brown eyes grow big in shock.

Link was standing in the middle of the dining room in a tuxedo, with scented candles lit up all around. One of the tables had a white table cloth over it with one of the scented candles in the middle of it...and the table had my top 3 favorite foods off of the Splatburger menu: a double hamburger with shredded lettuce and mustard, a slice of pizza with pepperoni and chopped Canadian ham and a foot-long chili-cheese dog! I couldn't believe my freaking eyes at all of this.

"Link, what is all of this?" I asked, curiously amazed. "It is a very special day for us, Phoebe," he replied with a smile. "It's our 3-month anniversary!" My brown eyes grew bigger. "Wow...has it been 3 months already?" I said, still hella confused. We didn't celebrate the first or second month, so I didn't know his motive for celebrating 3 months. As Link romantically walked me to the table with my favorite food, he explained it to me. "I realized about a week ago that we never celebrated the first couple months, and I felt really bad about it. So I talked to the manager Jay Jay and asked if I could set all of this up for you right here. He said sure as long as I babysit his 2 kids next Friday. His regular babysitter has prior engagements for that day and gave him an early head's up." "Oh Link, you didn't have to go through all of this trouble for me," I told him as we both sat down. "Yes I did," he insisted. "Phoebe, I'm crazy about you. If there's anything that I screw up in our relationship, I wanna fix it to the fullest extent just to make you happy." "Awww, Link...that's so..." All of a sudden, even though I was talking to Link, I was seeing Max!

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