Chapter 5: Incest On The Low

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The rest of the weekend went pretty normal...long as hell, though. That's because on Friday, our school was closed for remodeling; that's why we went to Amazingland on a Friday MORNING. I see that as a convenient blessing considering Max and I revealed our true feelings for each other. We were low-key dating at home, but we told Mom and Dad we were doing some sibling bonding and just hanging out as a cover-up. We didn't feel comfortable going out just steps. We watched a marathon of "Friends" on Nick At Nite for 3 hours straight on Saturday night, laughing our asses off. One of the episodes was the one where Ross kept yelling "PIVOT!" as he, Rachel and Chandler were trying to get a couch up the stairs. I laughed so hard until I cried, which happens a LOT! I guess it's contagious because Max usually doesn't laugh that hard until he sees me dying with a crap load of tears.

On Sunday, we babysat Billy and Nora while our parents went to the mall in Metroberg for training equipment we were gonna start learning to use. They also had other errands to run afterwards, so they were gonna be gone for a good few hours. Max taught Billy how to play basketball in the backyard while I played patty-cake with Nora and did each others' nails. Then we switched siblings; Billy and I took selfies with funny faces and recorded hilarious videos on my phone, you know, just making memories. Max and Nora did the well-known "Whisper Challenge". When Billy and I came down to his lair and saw them playing that game, we were eager to join in, and they said ok. Max put on his Beats By Dre headphones, music on full blast. Billy whispered, "5 Seconds Of Summer". With a hella confused look, Max unsuccessfully guessed, "'I called a plumber'?" Billy and Nora burst out laughing as I facepalmed and snickered.

Later that day in the evening, Mom and Dad finally arrived home and we all had spaghetti for dinner. Yum! After that, Max went to his room and I waited like 5 to 10 minutes to go down there so the rest of our family wouldn't grow suspicious. I mean, we HAVE been hanging out a lot lately. When I came down, he was reading a magazine. "Hey," I said to get his attention. "Hey," he replied back as he sat his magazine down. He looked so cute the way he was lying sideways in his bed.

He got up, walked over to me, grabbed my face and romantically kissed me. When we came up for air, as I looked at him smiling, I bit my bottom lip and giggled. "So how are you gonna 'disgust' Allison tomorrow after school?" I asked my twin bae. "Probably pick my nose and burp on command," he answered. "How are you gonna 'disgust' Link?" "Is it remotely possible to FART on command?" I asked curiously as I chuckled. "Beats me," Max said, shrugging. "Just to be on the safe side, make a farting sound with your mouth. Or better yet, change your ringtone to a fart sound like I did that one time back when I used to prank you during my evil days!" "Huh, who knew one of your old pranks would come into good use one day?" We both laughed, and then hugged and kissed each other good night; then I went back upstairs to my room.

On the next day at school, I was at my locker studying in my Algebra textbook with a sucker in my mouth. Cherry ran up to me yelling repeatedly, "Phoebe! Phoebe!" Once she approached me, she took a couple of seconds to catch her breath. "That's what you get for not working hard enough in gym class," I said chuckling. "What's up?" "In Theater Arts, we have a sub today!" she told me. My eyes grew big in excitement; having a sub in Theater Arts basically meant a FREE period for us...and I'm sure a bunch of other schools. We get to listen to our music, socialize, have extra study time for upcoming tests, etc. This was a great way to start off an average week at school!

"Oh my God, that's amazing!" I said to my bestie, who simultaneously squealed with me afterwards. Suddenly (and conveniently), the bell rang for us to go to the Auditorium for said class. We ran like hell and came across Max and Oyster also running along the way. "Did you guys hear?" Max asked us. "Uh-huh!" Cherry and I both said excitedly. Yes, we were willing to risk getting detention for running in the halls; that's how happy we were! We reached the Auditorium and all 4 of us sat our backpacks down behind the stage curtains. After our sub (one of the best subs we've ever had Hiddenville High) took role, we sat on the stage and chilled. We just wished that Evan had Theater Arts too, but he's low-key insecure about his acting...and he's not even half bad.

We were having a great time for a good 20 minutes before our vibe was killed by the most snottiest bitch in the whole school-Madison Robertson! She's head of the cheerleading squad, editor of the school yearbook and a cocky honor student; none of us can freaking stand her! Ugh! Her snotty ass approached us and said with a cringe-worthy attitude, "Oh my Gurd (yes, that's how she pronounces 'God'), Phoebe; ugly much? What kind of shirt is that?" I was wearing a short-sleeved green shirt with a picture of the late, great Whitney Houston-one of my favorite (deceased) singers of ALL TIME! The shirt also had "R.I.P." in big black letters under the picture. "Awww, what's wrong Madison?" I mockingly asked her. "Are you jealous that Whitney was the total, complete opposite of you-a talented and beautiful goddess?" Cherry, Oyster and Max all laughed. "Cute," she sarcastically replied. "You know, it's funny that one of her best songs is called 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody', and literally NO ONE wanted to dance with you at the school dance last November because your date Cole Campbell stood you up!"

That angered the living crap out of me, and I damn near wanted to tear up. Cole Campbell was a guy I briefly dated right when we moved to Hiddenville before I even met Link. We dated for 2 weeks, and at the school dance back in November she was referring to he never showed up because his two-timing ass was too busy kissing another girl at Splatburger that night! I left the dance early to clear my head because I was so heartbroken and just my luck, my heart breaks into more freaking pieces when I see him at the table with his arm around her as they locked lips. That really hurt me, but it hurt even harder that this skunkbag Madison would even bring it up knowing damn well my heart was hella shattered.

I was getting ready to use my powers on her out of spite, but when Max got a hint that I was in preparation to, he got up quick to hold me back. "Why don't you just go the hell away?" my loyal bro/bae suggested. "No one wants you here." I could tell that he was very angry with the serious look I saw on his face that showed he meant business. He really didn't like seeing someone try to get under my skin like a splinter. I guess since becoming good, seeing someone else physically or verbally hurt me keeps giving him a reality check, knowing how he used to be to me. "Fine," she scoffed as she turned around and left. "What is her problem?" Cherry asked, rolling her eyes afterwards as Oyster shook his head. "There's no telling," Max said, sounding annoyed.

"Hey Cherry," Oyster said. "Can I copy your U.S. History notes? I spent that whole period helping Principal Bradford move in his new office furniture." "Sure," Cherry said. "They're in my locker; come with me to get it. We'll be right back, guys." "Ok," Max and I said simultaneously. They both got up and left. It was quiet for the next 30 seconds, and then I finally said to my brother, "Thanks for sticking up for me, Max." "No problem," he replied. "She was way out of line for that." "Yeah she was!" I angrily agreed. "I wish we weren't in public right now, because I'm SO damn eager to kiss you." "I wish we could at least hug," Max suggested. "But we'd probably make it look like a romantic hug instead of a sibling one." "That's just part of doing this incest low-key, I guess." "How about during lunch, we find a hiding spot somewhere around school and then that way, just the 2 of us can hang out?" "Great idea, Max," I said to him, not able to help myself from smiling at his dreamy eyes. "Thanks, and in the meantime, how about a little payback?" He used his telekinesis to spill Madison's Starbucks cup full of hot coffee all over her blue and white outfit. "AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "How did this freaking HAPPEN?!" Everyone in the Auditorium laughed and I congratulated Max with a fist bump as we both snickered; revenge, check! Later at lunch, we found a great hiding spot as planned. Little did we know that this particular hiding spot wasn't as private as we anticipated, but I'll get into that eventually.


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