Sassy 7 part 2 - all

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Your brothers were walking home with you and you were trying your best to act normal. Though it wasn't easy, you still managed to stay quiet.

"Why on earth are you so quiet
y/n? Your usually the loudest person on earth."
Hoseok followed up to your pace, along with the others.
You never answered.
"Hey what's with the attitude? Something bad happen? Bet you like always."
He said.

"She's just being stupid that's it."
Jin said.

"Yep. As usu-"

You shouted so loud catching everyone's attention from around.

"Shutup y/n. People are looking."
Namjoon said.
You looked at all of in disgust.

"Suck my toe and go to your mama. Mama's boys."
You said in disgust.
"I'm staying in b/f/n's house (f/n means best friends name)."
You went in a different direction and rang your bestie. She said of course since you were both like sisters.

"Did that kid actually say that?"
Taehyung said.

"You know, maybe we were a bit too harsh yesterday."
Jimin said.

"She even got angry with us that she called us mama's boys!"
Jin cried.

"I think we should be smart you know. Either stick with our girls, or stich with our one and only sister."
Yoongi said.

"I don't know. I love my girl so much I can't pick between y/ n and her."
Jungkook said.

"I'm going with my girl."
Yoongi said.
"My first love she'll be and my last one. I promised her I'll be her husband one day."

"I don't know. Y/n is our SISTER."
Namjoon said. All if the seven had a talk on the way home.

You told b/f/n the whole situation.

"Wow I never expected that from your cheerful brothers."

"I know right? And their choosing their STUPID GIRLFRIENDS WHO I FUCKIN KNOW OVER ME!!"
You jumped up and down while shouting.

"Hey don't swear. My mum will kill us."
You apologised.

You both got into bed and slept. Well b/f/n did. You thought about why your brothers never told you about this. But you did not regret saying that mama boy thing to them at all.

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