Special Chapter pt 2 - Jimin

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Jimin - 23

You - 14

Just as you bowed to your rival, the bell went.

Y/n you better win this Match! I'm putting all my trust in you. Now, go show'em what you've got in those tiny fists of yours.

You stood up straight, THE KARATE MATCH HAD BEGUN.

You went in for a punch in the jaw, but your rival dodged it. They did a back flip, kicking your chin in the process. You had received a punch in the jaw too. The crowds were booing and shouting. You were losing. You looked in the crowd, but you never saw him. Jimin. Where was he? He had told you he come there to watch you. You felt heart broken. Just as you turned to see your rival, you were kicked in the face.

That's it. I'm done of this bullshit.

You got up, wiping the blood of your mouth and nose.

"Prepare yourself."
You smirked.

You stood in a snake like position.

You shouted as you jumped forwards.

You landing a kick in the face and punched the face without stopping. You then grabbed their fist and pulled it forwards, making you able to knee them in the stomach. You smiled and kneed the face. As they were getting their pieces back together, it gave you advantage to punch their chest. You put half of your power into that punch, making them fall backwards.

The yelled and ran towards you, aiming for a punch on your delicate nose.

You smiled with so much joy, as you puched the rival's hand, making theirs break.

The rival fell right onto the floor.

You smiled joyfully as you were handed the trophy.

"The winner of the match is.....PARK Y/N!!!!"
Everyone shouted with victory as you put your fist in the air.
"Now, will the parent or carer come out?"
You stopped smiling, and you looked in the crowds. No one.

You turned your back and saw Jimin running towards you. He ran and gave you a big hug.
"You never looked behind you, dummy."
You gasped and smiled.

"I love you..."
You both smiled as you walked out the large building as crowds were cheering you on.

I hope you guys loved this special Chapter too!! I'm making chapters before I finally finish the book. These chapters are fir those who really want to read more, but who would wanna read this shit?

Thanks for reading!

Music : Seikin Tsukai no world break Main Theme.

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