
5.9K 158 17

Jin - 25

You - 14

You were upset as you were leaving your brothers for two months to live with your mum. Your mum despised your brothers and only loved you. But you hated her. You only loved your brothers.

"But I hate you!!"
You shouted at her.

"Look at what these bastard boys have done to my pudding's mind!"
Jin watched from afar as he was the one who dropped you off.

"Listen! It wasn't them. If you never broke up the family, this stuff wouldn't be happening! I don't even want to see or hear from you! Jin was more like a mother to me! He loved and treated everyone with respect. Even when I talk shit about you he's the one who shuts me up!!"
Jin was about to walk over until he saw his own mother smack you.

"Don't talk to me like that."
You looked at the ground.

"This is the reason why I hate you."
You mumbled. Another slap on the face to make you go red.

Your mother shouted.
"Come inside the house this instant!"
You never moved at all.

"Not until you disown me like you did to the others."
You spoke boldly.
You mother gasped and so did Jin.
"I don't need a mother like you since I've got a better caring mother. Jin oppa is like a dream mum. That's why I barely call him oppa. I call him eomma Jin."
You pointed at her.
"I don't ever want to see you again."

"Go away!!!!"
She screamed.

"My pleasure!!!"
You shouted back.
You ran back, only to bump into a sympathetic Jin.

He whispered.
He looked to see his mother angry, but not crying.

"Go away you!"
She shouted.
Jin gave a last bow and held your hand tightly.

"Let's go princess."
You smiled and blushed.

As you got in the car, Jin looked at you a few times.
"Am I really like a mum?"

"Nope. More like a dream mum!"
You smiled. He teared up and you panicked.
"E-eomma Jinnie!!"
You shouted.

"Sorry. Eomma was just having his moments."
He laughed while squeezing your hand.

The next day Jin received a letter. He opened it and read carefully.

To Jin.
          I know you must hate me alot since what I did to you and the other boys. I just didn't want to worry about too much at a time. I was scared incase you all would end up like your father. So after you turned 20, I decided you should go. But I didn't want to keep you as my own child as all the bills would be on me. I regret everything I did. Now I've disowned y/n. I really don't know what to do with my life. Will you forgive me?

From Your Eomma.

Jin re-read but threw it away.
"I've already forgiven you pabo. But I'm afraid I won't live with you."
He laughed. He got his car keys and headed of to the Kim family house to tell his mum what he thinks.

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