Sassy 7 part 3 - All

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You woke up to the next day realising it was Saturday and you had to go home even if you didn't want to.

"Bye bye."
You and your friend waved.

"Ughhh. Those stupid boys."
Then you heard something.

"I can't wait to hangout with Jin oppa!"

"I can't wait to hangout with Tae oppa!"
You heard from a few metres ahead from you. You looked up and saw couple of girls.

"Excuse me?"
You said politely.

"Oh hey sweety!"
She seemed nice.
You had a plan up your sleeve.

"I um need to meet up with a few people. I'm new here, can you help me get to this street?"
You told them your street name.

"Oh we're going their! Let's go together."
The girls seemed pretty nice. You were thinking of giving them a chance, but then NO.

"So who are you meeting up with?"
The girls asked you.

"Just a few boys. They're really nice."

"Oh! What a coincidence! We're meeting up with a few boys! More like 7 actually."

You play along.

You finally reach your home.

"Thankyou for leading me here!"
You said while leaving the girls dumbfounded.

"Sorry kido, but this is where we are going."
They said smiling.

"No girls other than the 8th sibling in this house sorry."
You said while smirking.

"Hey! We're the girlfriends of these boys! Who are you to tell us!"

"You obviously never listened to me before. I'm the youngest sibling. The only girl who can enter here, sorry."
You smiled as you knocked on the door.

Jin opened the door and to his suprise...

"Jin oppa! You never told me you had a sister!"
Jasmine said.

"Oh what's this aye? GET IN THE HOUSE."
You commanded Jin, making all the brothers hear and run into the living room, act casual.
"Goodbye bitches."
You said and shut the door on their faces.

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